Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mr. Paramount

This to certain extend has some connection with my previous post, regarding me pointing out Mr. Paramount manipulating the computation results... I think.

There was this handover meeting last week, chaired by Mr. Paramount, on project P, right after the day when I argued with him on the matter mentioned above.

Mr. Paramount was trying to vent his anger on me, by interupting every single word that I said. Unfortunately, this is also a usual thing to do for Mr. Bell. So eventually, I couldn't speak what I needed over the meeting, so I made clarifications after the meeting via email to everyone regarding the discussed matters. Nonetheless, I was ignored by Paramount, and was shot by Mr. Bell for no reasons.

First of all, Mr. Paramount did not compile any information for the meeting, but throw every emails, unrelated paperworks onto the public server and asked us to find what we need there, not to mention his naming system was horrible. On top of that, he pushes his responsibilities away, by indicating that it is the engineering department's job to interpret what he has sold to the customer -- which is totally wrong. In fact, he should let us know what he has sold, and agreed with the customer, before handing it over for people like us to try figuring a way to build it.

Anyway, the meeting went down the drain, Mr. Bell was unhappy with the outcome, cause as a project director, he couldn't proceed with the information that was given by Mr. Paramount. So when my boss came into the office earlier this week, Mr. Bell called for another meeting.

This time, with the Managing Director (MD) sits in. The handover was again rubbish, as Mr. Paramount was unable to compile useful information for various departments. Mr. Paramount again tried to focus onto me, saying that I did not read through the files he uploaded onto the server. I did not fight back, as I had seriously went through every single files in order to salvage some useful, yet confusing information from the public server. Eventually the discussion lead to those confusing information, the MD questioned me if I have gone through those files. I said I have gone through every single one, and most of those are payment terms and conditions... before I was able to continue saying what I have found, Mr. Paramount interupted and said "Those payment terms has nothing to do with you, you shouldn't read that."

Oh well, I guess it goes without explantion that Mr. Paramount's filing system is useless, and my claims on the files are mostly irrelevant was validated.

My boss insisted that Mr. Paramount lists out clearly the job scope for every department, and adjourn the meeting yesterday. MD wasn't happy with the outcome of the meeting due to Mr. Paramount's lack of preparation, so he asked Ir. Decamouth to help him. (Note: Ir. Decamouth is good with Mr. Bell, and both of them dislike Mr. Paramount)

So, the meeting is held again, yesterday... Mr. Paramount again didn't do much improvements, and taking every querries from engineering (mainly my boss) personally. To quote a few of his words:

"You all are wasting my time here, I have committed myself to achieve 5 million sales this year, and I don't have time to waste with you all. If I can't achieve it, I will be sacked, and not only me... those people that working under me will be sacked too. You want to bear the responsibilities?"

"Why should I do all these for you? You should advise me what is feasible to be done!" (We engineering has done with the advise stage, but we needed his confirmation on what we have advised -- i.e. is the customer ok with the advise? He simply didn't get it.)

Eventually, Mr. Paramount went out of the meeting room and called MD in. Our MD was mad once found out the reasons behind the conflict, he F*** everyone before going into the details. Mr. Paramount was shocked, as he thought MD would stood by his side.

Furthermore, as the MD was trying to understand the reasons for their disagreement, Mr. Paramount told lies to the MD blatantly in front of all of us and claimed credits for things that he has never done. Well, when it comes to taking credits, Decamouth is never behind. Ir. Decamouth was acting along with Paramount of course. The scenario was like a fox trying to steal a few bites of the fresh kill under the mouth of the lions.

So, the meeting was unsuccessful again... and we all agreed that engineering will review Mr. Paramount's information and get back to him (though we do not have any information to review) tomorrow afternoon.

The peak of the meeting series was when the MD came in, and scolded everyone in the meeting room. Everyone outside the meeting room could hear the voice.

We have now done with the "review", basically writing instructions to Mr. Paramount on how to fill in the handover forms that he has been refusing to do. I hope the meeting tomorrow will go smoothly.

The thing I learned over these meetings -- Well, at first I thought Paramount was mad at me, that's why he kept interupting me when I talked. But after seeing what he has done to my boss, I think it is not me, but his way of communicating is having the problem. I think I need to further analyse his attitude before able to find out an effective way to communicate with him in the future.

Also, I have found quite some similarities between Decamouth and Paramount -- both of them like to show off their importance by telling people how much jobs they have in hand that awaits them to finish.

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