Saturday, May 23, 2009


One of the issue which I handled, has started to turn sour. It was not entirely my fault, but the customer has written the email specifically to me, as I was introduced by Mr. Cockroach to them as the focal point of this project, and has instructed the project engineer, who has been dealing with this project since ages ago, to focus on some other projects.

I did not know the head and tail of this issue, the project engineer and Mr. Cockroach both failed to provide any supporting documents for the previous communication on this issue.

I called up the supplier Monday, and ended up being bashed badly, and they wanted to talk to the project engineer instead. So I contacted the project engineer, and asked him to proceed in assisting me to deal with the supplier, while I handle the customer.

However, I got replies from the project engineer Tuesday to wait for the quotation from the supplier.

When the whole thing turned sour yesterday, due to waiting for too long, I had to handle all the shits, and everyone disappeared. Despite me asking for several assistance from the project engineer on small tasks, I do not get it delivered to me even until the end of the working day.

I then called up Mr. Encyclopedia for help, called up the supplier's HQ to beg for assistance, sort out the whole thing for the on-site machine testing on the coming Monday.

The respect that I have got from the supplier's Singapore office made me feel like a human again. I have been bashed enough by those male-egoistic-pigs in Malaysia enough. Sigh, I should probably not put them in comparison to the pigs, it makes the pigs look bad.

Anyway, I was very disappointed to the fact that Mr. Cockroach has pulled himself away from this project since the beginning, by saying he doesn't know anything -- the job scope, the contract, etc. Don't forget he is the contract manager in the company before being promoted as a senior operation manager.

Also, I was utterly disappointed by this project engineer. Though I have to give him the benefit of doubt, that he did try to help. But nonetheless, I felt that he has not tried hard enough to assist.

I can put up to nasty customers and suppliers, but I find it very sad when being put out to the frontline, and all the backups turned their backs to walk away.

This issue has given an insight of what is going on in the office, in terms of the manager's level of the office politics. The pit hole is deeper than I thought, I just hope that I can be like the papaya tree outside my house -- shit can only make it grow taller and produce much tastier papayas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You found a new philosophy. Sh!t and papaya! Fantastic!