Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ear piercing

Got my ear pierced this afternoon at the local jewellery shop. Cost RM30. It came with a pair of dummy earrings. I am supposed to wear it for 2 weeks, before replacing it with the gold earrings for 3 months. I can only wear other earrings after that. Need to refrain myself from seafood and nuts during these time. I had my ear pierced long time ago when I was a child. But due to regular X-ray on my head, I didn't put the earrings back, and the holes eventually healed. In the old Chinese believe, when a kid were ill most of the time, it means the evil spirits are disturbing the kid, making it difficult to raise the kid. In order to avoid being disturbed, the parents would pierce the kid's ears. It is a way to tell the evil spirits that this kid is no longer perfect, and hoping the spirit would not take this non-perfect kid away. Anyway, this is the second time in my life I got my ear piercing. I hope I could get over it smoothly.

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