Sunday, July 17, 2011

Old England is back

There was this lady who worked in our office for 15 years before the last retrenchment two years ago. She was hired by our agent after leaving our office, she is now back to our office since the beginning of this month.

I called her Old England, OE.

Despite her strengths are on the product line currently taken care by me, the boss put her in the product line which I would be more suitable. In other words, the MD put OE to do the jobs that are more suitable for me, vice versa.

I have been depressed over my responsibilities for very long, way before OE is back to the office, because it is not challenging enough. Though I am getting very comfortable with what I am doing now, I feel that my intelligence is getting rusty day by day, my EQ is plunging new low everyday...

I was given only one choice, which I might just take it eventually.

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