Monday, July 2, 2012

What is your true colour?

We have surely met some people in our lives, who are good at very specific things, but do not know how to do most other trivial things in life.

Our finance manager is on of them.

She is same age as me, but have been living a pretty easy life to most of us. She owned a driving license, but don't know how to drive. Her mother fetch her to the office and fetch her home. She brings lunch from home, prepared by her mother. She doesn't know the basic ethics when meeting clients, very blunt but very sharp when it comes to figures.

She can split the bills accurately to the cents between 14 people. She can calculate things so accurately that you won't pay one cent more to the government or any party. She is very precise in her share and not her share, especially when it comes to job scope and hierarchy rights.

She insisted that managers should have the priority to choose the company allocated car park space, over the executives, despite the MD prohibiting choosing carparks.

There is no grey area like, "you scrub my back, I scrub your back."

She lives entirely in her own world.

The MD brought in five fat mangoes today to the office, this finance manager likes food, and she will take any free food without hessitation, and own it entirely to herself.

To have 5 mangoes among 14 person in the office, we need to cut all the mangoes and share it among the group.

I didn't realise she took one mango to herself, and was commenting to the other colleague that the person who took the mango to his/herself is very selfish. She over heard it and offered to share with me. I was like "Oups, I said the right stuff at the wrong time and place." Anyway, since she offered it, I said ok, and asked her to cut it, since she was having the mango and the knife. I felt that, if I rejected it, it would only make me looked like a guilty party.

So she took the knife, and slice a tiny portion out with the skin, and said to me ''There is no peeler in the kitchen, I don't know how to peel. So you take this, I will take the rest."

I wasn't sure it was because of her lack of living skills or she really wanted to have the entire mango to herself, but I felt pity for her.

I saw her digging away the large portion of the mango, with the core still attached, dripping the mango everywhere, I believe she really never cut a mango before, with a knife.

I mean, you really don't need a peeler to prepare a mango. Anyway, I wasn't really into the mango, but was only curious to know how this person is... and I think her true colour is the mango yellow.

1 comment:

JW said...

Hi! Speaking of true colour. I think I recently see my "own" colour. May be it was the same colour but different shades now.

Melon, I think I need someone to talk to. Hope to catch you soon.