Monday, June 14, 2010

American Feel Good Factor

I was in a local party yesterday, it was great.

And I had some rather interesting discussions with my colleague -- the one who helped me purchased the car. Let's call him Mr. Techno, cause he loves high horsepower, guns, high tech gizmo etc.

One of the interesting discussions were like this:

We were offered too much food, that when the dessert was served, the host kinda forced us each took one piece (small piece, like half an egg size).

Mr. Techno diminished the dessert in one bite. I was struggling with small bites...

Mr. Techno, "If you don't want to eat it, just throw it away."

Vinegar, "No, I am not going to throw it away, what a waste. I find that Americans is pretty wasteful sometimes."

Mr. Techno, "Well, if we aren't rich, we won't be able to help others."

I was puzzled by the statement. After a few exchange of conversation, it seems apparent, that Mr. Techno's idea is only rich can afford to waste, and only waste could help boost economy, hence helping the poor.

To me, rich isn't quantitative, it is qualitative. I would say that I am rich now, because I have a healthy body, and I could help others with a healthy body and mind. I don't need to give a lot of money to help. Things like spending some time with the patients, to me, that's a way of helping without costing money.

I don't understand how the American (I won't put plural here, because I hope it is just Mr. Techno's point of view), could relate waste to being rich. It is like having one credit card to pay off another credit card. On the surface, you look gorgeous, buying all those shiny new clothes, but in the pocket, there isn't anything. I wonder how would that glorious surface made one feel so good?

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