Thursday, August 25, 2011

Decamouth is leaving

Rumour was true, our MD had announced to us on Monday that Decamouth will be leaving us in mid of September.

Aparently, Decamouth had submitted his resignation letter right after Old England has returned to our office. Everyone else knew about his departure except the people in this office, I mean myself, Porche, Mr. Experience, Ms. Grumpy and Old England.

For the MD, HR, Azreal, Cockroach, the finance lady and Mr. Ciggy, they already knew about Decamouth's plan. Even our agents, our colleagues in the US HQ knew about his departure. I am not sure why it was kept a secret to us when the rest of the world already knew about it.

We do not know where he would be going, don't know why he wants to leave. Most of us guessed he failed to use the resignation to bargain for better pay.

The new sales chap, let's call him Mr. Ciggy (he is a chain smoker), will be the only sales person we have in the office.

The office will be rather imbalance with one sales person versus 5 support staffs. Despite being a new employee and a manager, Mr. Ciggy is not a keen learner. I hope he is smart enough to stop taking short cuts and put some effort in learning about the products he is selling, otherwise it would only bring suffer to himself and everyone supporting him.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ramadan Traffic

There is a total traffic breakdown in Malaysia every once a year, for an entire month due to Ramadan -- the fasting month before the Muslim new year.

The traffic built up for several reasons:
1. Typically during fasting month Muslims get off work earlier (30mins - 1 hour) before the normal working hour. So by the time the normal rush hour comes, the road is already filled with cars. (In case you wonder, Malaysia has more than 60% of Muslim populations.)

2. There are lots of temporary food bazaar set up for the entire month for people to buy food on their way home. This usually takes place in some empty field or common carparks, so people park their cars all over the places to get into the bazaar.

3. The government has been expanding the residential areas without upgrading the roads. Public transports routes and stations are not planned properly.

4. Flash flood whenever rain visits, pouring or drizzling.

My normal one way journey between home and office takes about 20 mins with smooth traffic. During this month, it takes 4 times longer. I could do 2 round trips with those traffic time and petrol wasted.

Driving during this time of the year is never easy, even the motorcyclists who drives between the cars are experiencing jam. Though I get to have a longer personal time in the car, but I don't enjoy stepping on the brake from the moment I leave my office (the traffic jam starts the moment we leave the car park), guarding my lane while the rest of the drivers are trying to cut queue on the road exits/entrances etc.

You might think highway should help solving the issue. Ironically, the highway is as bad as any other places, most looks like a gigantic open carpark. The traffic builds up before and after the toll booths.

Listening to the radio doesn't help at all, the traffic reports basically tells you the entire traffic system in the country has melted.

These phenomena subside everyday (if without rainning) around 7pm, when most of the Muslims have reached home preparing to break fast. The entire city center would look like a ghost town, you can hardly find more than 10 cars within your 500m vicinity while driving.

The flood of traffic would slowly get back to normal in about 8.30pm, when people have finished their meal and going home.

Also, during the peak hours, until after the break fast, do not attempt to visit any restaurants, because car park is precious at this time, and table seats are mostly taken as well.

Despite all the delicious Ramadan food offered across the country, I would still pass due to the reasons above.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Bracelet

Made myself a bracelet out of Chinese knots the other day.
It took me about two weeks, approximately 2 hours a day.

Here's the back:

Here's the front:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wedding photo shooting session

Went for wedding photo session last Friday.
It was a rainny day, but luckily there was some sun coming out when we went for outdoor session.

I was given 5 dresses for the entire day, one for outdoor, the rests are all indoor. I thought 3 would be enough, but they don't offer anything less than 5.

Anyway, the entire session went well, I am quite happy that both myself and my partner were prepared -- brought my own accessories to match with the dresses, he brought a few more coloured shirts to match with the coats. I mean, they have good accessories, but it didn't bring out the effect I wanted.

The photographer and the make up artist was professional. I was quite pleased with the service then.

We went back on Sunday for choosing photos for the album. I wasn't very satisfied with the photo choosing session, as the person didn't give us a thorough briefing on how and what should we be doing. Instead he intended us to rely heavily on him to do the selection.

I guess it was just a combination of the inexperienced guy and our differences. He probably thought that we were clueless and would give our decision power entirely to him. But our (myself and my partner) way of working are pretty different. We were clueless, but we weren't prepared to rely too much on the others to decide what we want.

We selected 82 pictures out of 300 over shots. I am not used to seeing myself in fine make up and at odd angles, and thought that those pictures turned out unlike myself.

Anyway, the selection went well, we paid extra to get some of the things done. We will get the demo set a month from now, and get the pictures a month or two after confirming the design.

They will be making a DVD displaying the photos on our wedding reception, and we need to decide a theme song to go with the DVD. I have been thinking of Bach's Sleepers Awake, but am still trying to find something better. Canon in D was considered, but would be too soft to be heard in the chatty Chinese dinner hall. Something with brass would be nice...