Thursday, August 25, 2011

Decamouth is leaving

Rumour was true, our MD had announced to us on Monday that Decamouth will be leaving us in mid of September.

Aparently, Decamouth had submitted his resignation letter right after Old England has returned to our office. Everyone else knew about his departure except the people in this office, I mean myself, Porche, Mr. Experience, Ms. Grumpy and Old England.

For the MD, HR, Azreal, Cockroach, the finance lady and Mr. Ciggy, they already knew about Decamouth's plan. Even our agents, our colleagues in the US HQ knew about his departure. I am not sure why it was kept a secret to us when the rest of the world already knew about it.

We do not know where he would be going, don't know why he wants to leave. Most of us guessed he failed to use the resignation to bargain for better pay.

The new sales chap, let's call him Mr. Ciggy (he is a chain smoker), will be the only sales person we have in the office.

The office will be rather imbalance with one sales person versus 5 support staffs. Despite being a new employee and a manager, Mr. Ciggy is not a keen learner. I hope he is smart enough to stop taking short cuts and put some effort in learning about the products he is selling, otherwise it would only bring suffer to himself and everyone supporting him.


JW said...

Hi! Mechanical Melon,

It's been a while and I know the days are getting closer to your new life journey.

Anyway, I thought of sharing this with you:

You probably have less than 1001 days for this project thingy, but at least 3 months (90-100 days) before the new life is no longer the same.

So, do check out the website ya! :)



Vinegar said...

Thank you JW.