Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bits and pieces

I have been busy travelling between my husband's house and my own home recently.
My mum just removed the cataract from her right eye today, she will do the same for her left eye coming Monday. So I am staying at home during this time.

After the visit to Korea, our agent had placed their first order, which is also my first order today. Not much, but was pretty pleased. Despite all the quality issue we have recently on our China product, and the discouragement from our MD, I am still feeling rather pleased... may be some hint of disappointment, because now that Korean market has showed some potentials, the MD said that he will take it away from me, and let some other sales person handling it.

There are still a lot of work to follow up for the order. So I shouldn't slack too much.

In fact, I should actually start looking actively for jobs, instead of letting the workload pouring over me. I am too tired covering Decamouth's work due to his incompetency, trying to open a road for myself by keep requesting to be in the sales team, and trying very hard to adapt myself to this new life after marriage.

I think I deserve a better treatment for my contributions.

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