Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mr. Pig

We, as in me and many other colleagues have been suffering due to the low quality work produced by Mr. Pig.

This is what I felt over the past one year or so, working with him:

I finally blow at him last Wednesday, as he was making up false accusation against my orders for him to do the work, and he tell lies to cover himself. He rather spent effort to make up stories and tell lies than admitting that he had done the wrong thing. It was then I totally couldn't spare any of my generosity towards such idiot, and started raising my voice.

I know I was wrong by raising my voice, but I have never scolded him for any other things except his work quality and work attitude.

I reported to my boss, and apologise to Mr. Pig in front of the boss the next day for raising my voice. Mr. Ping was darn happy and told everyone that I was forced to apologise to him. He was also summoned to chat with the HR on the next day, and he told the HR the made up stories. He even calling everyone's names during the long talk with HR, exaggerating everyone's mistakes, in the hope of covering his own errors.

Nonetheless, the HR came and talked to us this week, we told our sides of the stories. Things kinda settled down now, Mr. Pig has also improved by putting more effort onto his work this week... though still making a lot of no-brainer mistakes.

Now I am at the stage of enlightenment, whereby I don't care what he has done, mistakes or not, taking my orders or not, I don't care. I have done my parts, and even his parts for the sake of working... I guess it is time for me to sit down and just let things flow according to its own way.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Money to buy life

My father was sent to hospital due to heart problem.

Diagnoses were taken place and decision has been made to have a heart operation within a week. I guess for a hospital which is always fully booked, the arrangement of a surgery within such a short notice could only mean that the condition is pretty serious.

We were given some basic briefing this afternoon regarding the surgery, and was asked to make the payment before the operation tomorrow.

The amount of money is not huge, but it is not small either. Within such a short notice, it is hard to pull up money quick. I just felt that in a country like this, only liquid money can be your insurance. Life becomes so small and insignificant in front of the payment counter. Be it a private or state-owned.

Started planning your pension?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Have you tried to kill yourself so badly, and ended up failed?

I tried to kill myself when I was doing my PhD, this incident was not the first time, but it had given me some thoughts.

On that day...

I tried to hang myself using the scarf, but I broke the structure of the building, and fell flat onto the floor. The scarf was fine.

I then tried to kill myself by jumping off the window, but there were scaffoldings outside the hundred years old building at that time.

I tried to find some pills to swallow, but I only found vitamin supplements, which won't help me getting weak.

I tried to find a knife to cut myself, only to find that the knives were all rusty, cause I haven't been cooking for very long. It couldn't even penetrate my skin.

I eventually decided to die of starvation. But strangely enough, a friend of mine, whom I have not been contacting for quite some time, knocked at my door, and brought me some food to share. I was surprised why was he so free on that day, and he told me it was a public holiday. So, in a way, no one noticed my absence at work on that day.

I felt like the world's lousiest suicider that day.

Anyway, the reason I say this is because, I don't think any of the problem I am facing today is as difficult as those I have faced during my PhD, intellectually and emotionally. Nonetheless, I want to remind myself that I shouldn't walk back the same path, that I have neglected everything in my life, just to get stuck by the problem -- I had forgotten to take my supplements, forgotted to cook, forgotted that British were odd that they decided to do building maintenance work during winter, even forgotten what day it was that day.

There are problems in life that worth our pondering effort, but some of them, it's just not worth it. If I neglected everything in life to sort these problems, my world will be empty, and I will be depressed if my world is only to solve shitty problems.

I received some words of thoughts during my visit to Tzu Chi Melacca Charity Oroganisation on Sunday:

不简单的事 仍坚持去做 才是真本领
困难的事 能够去突破 才是真勇气

The direct translation roughly carries the meaning below:

Having the persistence to solve those not-so-easy things, it is considered smart.
Finding the breakthrough from difficult things, it is called bravery.

I tell myself that I should acquire for three things to make a complete life:
Bravery, Wisdom and Confidence.

How much Bravery do I need in order to level up?
How much Wisdom do I need in order to level up?
How much Confidence do I need in order to level up?

I feel like there are three bars above my head, gauging the levels of each elements. Just like those characters in the RPG games...

I wonder if there are any potions that can top up these elements in life?

My Confidence and Bravery is dropping real quick, and my Wisdom doesn't seem to grow fast enough... My daily encounter with all these nonsence in Project Departments have isolated me with my friends, and I am becoming like a nerdy nut.

I need to find a way out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Office News

Mr. Big has left the company Tuesday this week.

There have been a lot of dramas since the last time I talked about office stuffs. But I don't want to repeat those things here, cause it would drain all my EQ away.

Anyway, it is a good thing to see Mr. Big finally moving on. We are all suffering because of his lack of professional in work.

So our sales department is now left with miss YellowJade, who is pregnant, and will take her maternity leave at the end of the year. And Ir. Decamouth, who is now picking up Mr. Big's bad habit of happily disappearing from work.

I wonder how the company survives with so little staffs in the sales department...

Anyway, I guess volume doesn't matter, cause I am sick of closing all these lousy projects that were passed on to us by Mr. Big from sales department.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Photo from India part 02 of 02

Went to buy Sari with the Bridegroom's sister in law, when we came out of the shop, it was already evening, the street was filled with people. The distance between the people and the moving vehicles are intimately close.

Indian drivers are mad, they honk every 5 minutes, and they don't like to stop for you. Pedestrians aren't any better either, they don't care if the vehicles are coming or not, they walk their way, and won't give ways.

This is a view outside the hotel in Chedambaram. It was less than 100m from the temple of dancing god. This is the road leading to the temple. This is a typical morning on the street. You may be able to see cows pulling the wheels in the photo.

This is a typical wedding meal. This is the first course. There are usually five courses. First one is usually some roti, in this case, a fine grade chiapati. Followed by rice with sambah, then rice with assam, rice with yogurt and some sweet oats. They have sweets before and after the meal. The crackers are supplied throughout the meal. All the other smaller portions on the banana leaves will be served throughout as well.
Indians eat very fast, while we were struggling to finish the first dish, they already served second round, and all the Indians are ready for second round. They all can finish 5 rounds, and I have to skip after the 2nd round.

This was the first Indian meal served after I landed, in the bridegroom's house. The bridegroom's mother made very delicious food. That includes the meal and snacks.

This is the second temple that was visited while in Thanjavur. It was closed to the dusk. This is the silhouette of the magnificent temple. Pardon my camera skill.

This is the entrace of the temple. I didn't take much photos here, cause there isn't much lights, and camera flash made it look odd.

This is how the Indian labour draw the lines on the highway. This is considered the best road in the whole of India I guess. Most of the roads are so bad in condition, you can't drive faster than 50 km/h.
Noticed the crooked lines on the left? There are lots of crooked highway lines..... just managed to snap this one, as the driver was driving really fast... and close to the other cars too.... damn scary.
Some weird menu -- Dragon Chicken, Devil Chicken, Chicken Fry (American / Hydrabad) and Chicken 65 (Chukka / Pepper Fry).

Oh, another photo of the wedding stage decor. This is on the first day, which is less formal. But I prefer this one... All the flowers are real, and all chained up by hands! Amazing how much effort people put in decorating this.
One thing I noticed in India, people like fresh flowers, and majority of the people are vegetarian. I only seen one shop that sells meat, which was in Chennai.

This reminded me so much of Prince of Persia... It is taken in the temple that I couldn't go in due to missing the last entrance time.

More Prince of Persia?
This is in Pondicherry, it was some French settlement last time, cause the road names were all "Rue de XXX". It is ironic to find a large difference just across the street. The French settlement area has huge roads, big buildings, less crowd, less noisy. One street away, you can hear all the huzzle buzzle of the town.

This is how organised the French were, even the map look so square...

That's all... hope you like these updates. I am sorry it took so long...