Wednesday, December 22, 2010

San Francisco

Went to San Francisco to witness the seismic test done on one of our products. It passed the requirement successfully.

So spent the rest of the weekend wandering around San Francisco. Went to Sausalito to enjoy the quietness of the town. It is a very calm and quiet town, the rain washed the town well, the colour was vivid in that town.

There were lots of small shops along the harbour. I bought a brooch that was made out of recycled materials.

I didn't know that place well, but I walked around without refering to the GPS, and enjoyed getting lost in those curvy steep stairs, looking at their individualistic house design, walking the rain, and indulged myself in the serenity -- there was hardly any noise in the entire town. Bach's sleeper's awake best described what I felt that day.

I came across this log by the pier. I love its grain.

How much history does the tree has, in order to grow such stunning grain? So does our lives...

I spent the next day walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a pilgrimage for engineers to walk on that bridge, admiring every single details of that bridge.

San Francisco has many bridges, each has its own uniqueness. But Golden Gate Bridge was outstanding because it is simple yet strong. It felt like a midwest American with simple blue jeans and cowboy boots, holding two pretty ladies with princess lacy dresses -- the Sausalito and San Francisco on both his arms.

The bridge was also like the blush for the bay, it compliments the natural beauty without standing out. This is truly a gentleman among the bridges.

Looking at the straight lines formed by the rivets, each with uniform size, it shows you how discipline the project crew was.

The bridge was built about 80 years ago, when there weren't too many heavy and high-tech machineries to help with the constructions. But these people pulled these cables and steels inch by inch, built the entire bridge. It is more than just the technical feasibility to build that bridge, but the determination of the people that moved generations after generations.

I saw the cable shaking in the wind, the cable was about 3 inches diameter, tensioned properly. Bridge as strong as the Golden Gate, yet is still humble and vulnerable when faced the force of nature.

A walk from end to end of the Golden Gate Bridge, though not long, but worth more than visiting many museums and shopping malls. The story I learned from San Francisco's trip is: It is impossible to cover the beauty of life and nature. Just like the colourful log, and the Golden Gate Bridge. It all take time to sink in.


JW said...

Just the look of it gives me intense calming effect. Reading your entry makes it more so.

Would wonder how this compares with Penang bridge...hmm..

Vinegar said...

Not sure if we could walk the entire Penag Bridge, although during rush hours, walking across the Penang Bridge would be faster than driving...