Monday, September 6, 2010

Winds of Change

Since my last update on 29th August until today, there has been a week.

There were lots of things happened this week.

I been to a power plant to witness a performance test of our product, learned some stuffs.

Also tried my attempts to continue balance the fans, failed miserably. Fortunately, both Mr. Techno, and my other colleague, let's call him Mr. Soccer, cause he loves soccer, had the same conclusion as my many attempts. Aparently the fan, when running at full speed, coincide with some sort of a natural frequency of the structure.

We were forced to send out the product without having time to properly dianogse it, because the management wants to recognise the sales revenue for this quarter. Ironically, due to the problems we found, we had to log this product to the warranty department right after releasing it for delivery.

I don't know how the management see their accounts, but I see recognising revenue less important than getting the product properly fixed. Because when the customer do call up the warranty, the things we would be willing to risk, could be much higher than the sales revenue - money and reputations. I guess the account would then no longer falls on the same person's lap by that time...

Anyway, I was pretty busy, splitting myself between answering the service requests that sent to the inboxes, and the fan balancing. So I came back to the office on my way home from the plant one night, trying to call Mr. Porche in Malaysia to answer his request over the phone -- I have no time to reply via email.

As I dialed the number, I also fumbling through my computer, getting into lotus notes etc. I saw a list of unread mails after the replication. And I picked one from our experienced proposal manager downstairs, I always enjoy chatting with him. His email was short: "XX has left, are you surprised?" (XX is the name of our MD in Malaysia office.)

I was rather surprised by the message, and continued clicking another email by other colleague, mentioning that he could introduce me to the new MD. I reckoned by then, what had happened, and was rather disturbed that I didn't know about this news.

Anyway, the phone got through, and Mr. Porche picked up the call by then. I asked if he is alright to talk, he said he was just about to leave the house. I then said I could call back later. He said he could spare a few minutes and wonder if I called because of the news. I said no, I didn't know about the news, and was calling him for his service request.

So I told him the way to go about the service request, and he told me the news, and asked me to read the announcement on the intranet. I clicked into the net, and couldn't find the announcement... apparently, it was the 4th one down from the top of the list -- the news were released on 30th August, while they only announced it to the Malaysia office on 1st Sep (because 31 Aug is a public holiday there), and I only found out on 2nd Sep.

The next thing I found out, was that Decamouth was promoted as a Regional Sales Manager for South East Asia, and he would be joining the corporate talent network training in Europe next week.

The office would be very interesting from now on, because all the so called "allies" that they had been trying to form, had all fallen apart when the MD left. Now everyone needs to start from scratch again. I am getting excited to watch some monkey shows.

1 comment:

JW said...

wow! organisation structure change.....that is interesting...hope for the better. :-)