Saturday, December 13, 2008


It is year end now, many of the horoscope forecasts for year 2009 are flying around, be it Chinese horoscope or the Western one, some even include blood type.

Looking into other people's horoscope, I am always fascinated by how gifted and talented others are. But when it comes to my own sign, I am disappointed as always.

I mentioned this to my bf, and he felt the same thing for his horoscope... Then I started wondering, if I am the only one feeling that way?

Take the normal Western horoscope for example, from Aries to Pisces, everyone has some useful strength, except mine -- the Sagittarius. From determine to active, charming, hardworking, sensible, filled with guts, good in planning, independent... etc, Sagittarians often only given a very short paragraph, regarding free-spirits, or playful. And you know, either free-spirit or playful is often being kicked out of the door in the working world.

The worse thing is, from Chinese to Western horoscope, even to the blood type, I am classified as the free-spirited one. And I am not any of it.
Another incident, I once came across the daily horoscope in the newspaper, while having breakfast in the mamak with my bf. It said for my bf, there will be someone upsetting him that day, and he needs to control his emotion. Then out of curiosity, I went to read mine, it said something trivial.

I then wondered who is the person that will make him upset. So I continued reading the rest, considered that in the horoscope world, everyone in this world is catagorised into one of the twelve signs. To my surprise, none of the other horoscope mentioned that he/she will upset someone that day.

Who upset my bf that day? No one.


I used to have a friend, who would start her day by reading the horoscope, and remembers it, lives by it. Anything happened that day, she would somehow link it with the horoscope. She seemed to enjoy it, but to me it is a horror living up to someone else's so called prediction.

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