Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is around the corner, I am missing the days when I spent the Christmas in UK. The cold and wet weather, the strong wind, the yellowish street lights, the smell of the chill air, the cracking sound of the icy patches, the packed trains, the departmental Christmas lunch / dinner, the emptiness and serenity of the street on Christmas day, the Christmas market, the sale, the rush for everyone to go home, the turkey and gravy, the cranberry sauce, the Christmas pudding, the cooking night in my supervisor's house... etc etc etc...

To be frank, I have enjoyed Christmas over the past 10 years, that I now feel more attached to Christmas than Chinese New Year.

I have been visiting my friend F almost every Christmas while in UK. This year she and her family has moved to Hong Kong, and I am visiting her over the Christmas again. It made me missed the days in UK more.

She asked me what do I plan to do while in HK, I really had no idea. Year after year, I visited her just for the sake of spending time with her and her family, with her lovely three cats and the dog. Also to run away from my daily hectic cycle.

This year, while there isn't any Christmas atmosphere here, I have made myself a little brooch, here it is.


1 comment:

kevin said...

Merry Christmas to you Vinegar!! Have a wonderful trip to Hong Kong..