Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Came back from India

Just got back from India yesterday evening. Vomitted the whole night, and took sick leave today. It wasn't due to the food I had in India, but the food I had in my home country... sigh... what a shame.

The visited areas are Trichy (Tiruchilapalli), Chidambaram, Mahabaliburam, Pondicherry and Chennai.

The Indian wedding is very grand and beautiful.

India is surprisingly cleaner and better than I thought. It was very very hot there, all the rivers were dried out. But I don't mind that weather. Water is very precious in India.

The food in India is good, compare to the Indian food I had everyday here, it was heavenly. It isn't spicy either.

Traffic in India is scary, chaotic, and intimate. Honks are sounded everywhere since 3am until late at night, as long as there are people on the streets. Most of the road are in bad conditions. People get up very early, and sleep early in India.

I haven't sorted out the photos yet, will update this post again... stay tuned.

1 comment:

八十分的生活 said...

India? wow,I never thought you would go there.