Friday, August 28, 2009

Women in Engineering – Reality

I am feeling down today, so down that I decided to show some of the reality of being a woman in engineering to people who are reading my blog.

To those who have shown you the glory and rosy side of being a woman in engineering, science and technology field, I am here to tell you some of the experiences I had, which is the real flesh and blood, and not as nice to swallow.

You will have to deal with a lot of false accusation, my ex-boss, in my first job told me this:
“There are 99 men on the platform, you don’t need to work to get the job done. All you have to do is just sleeping around and the men will do the job for you.”

Sexual harassment is common, be it verbal or physical. And my ex-boss actually said:
“You are like a kid, and not attractive at all, do you think I will believe in what you said?”

When I went for interviews, people rejected me because I am around the age of getting married. In which case, it means that I will be pregnant soon, and the companies were taking that as a loss.

I was also once rejected by a company because I have long hair, despite me saying that I am willing to cut it short.

I was dumped by my first boyfriend, because
"Your studies have always been so good, do you think I would believe that you spent the whole of last night in their (my coursemates) house just for group studies?"

One of my suppliers in my current company tells me this:
“I think there is no point for you to study until doctorate, I am not an engineer and I can sell technical products to you.” (OK, this is nothing to do with gender)

“Why don’t you wear a skirt and climb up the building and let me see? I am sure if you do this, you will be promoted by your boss real quick too.”

One of my customers in my current company tells me this:
“Your company doesn’t have any dicks anymore is it? Why are you all appointing all pussies to serve me?”

“Your company are filled pregnant women, I bet you all just know how to sit there and being fucked by men, until your head can’t think anymore!”

My subordinate doesn’t like to listen to my comment just because I am a female, and it is humiliating to have female, younger than them, pointing out their mistakes.

I have male colleagues who think that I studied too much, and treated me like a threat and made a lot of rumours about me. They also like to make remarks like this:

“Actually, I think your doctorate doesn’t have much values when it comes to applications. Experiences still counts you know, you are lack of that.”

"Actually, it is kinda nice to be a woman in engineering. Cause you don't need to do any work, guys will always do the work for girls."

"Girls working in field will never get scolded, cause guys won't scold girls, no matter how bad it is."

"It is nice to be a girl in engineering, you don't need to care much. If you can't take it, you can always escape it by getting a husband to feed you."

My HR manager, who is a woman, doesn’t listen to any feedback from female; but she always favour the requests from our male colleagues. Examples are plenty, and I don’t want to mention here, as it will generate a couple of blog entries.

Most of the things I listed above, are of those rather major offences that I happened to recall while writing this blog, and are mostly gender discrimination due to inferiority complex.

I find that gender discrimination can come from female and male, superior, colleague and subordinates. Take example female discrimination, it can come from male bosses, colleagues and subordinates, so can it come from female bosses, colleagues and sub-workers.

Well, that’s all I want to say for today, just be prepared for the glory and the dirty part of the profession before you decided to march into it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pure Arrogance

I have finally introduced Mr. Twoheadsnake to the customer this Monday. The customer obviously wasn't very happy, cause this is the third time we changed the person handling the project. But nonetheless, they acknowledge our company's decision.

The customer wrote an email today regarding the pump vibration rectification work, and requested for a brainstorming meeting tomorrow.

I felt that there isn't much meaning to attend the meeting tomorrow, as there isn't a clear agenda, and thought that perhaps can give the customer a call, to see if a teleconference tomorrow would do any good. Mr. Twoheadsnake then wrote to the customer, telling them that the meeting is unnecessary.

The customer replied sarcastically, and Mr. Twoheadsnake felt the pinch. And we all tried to cover the unhappy customer by doing more works the whole day... And yet can't make it for the meeting tomorrow, can't meet the deadline set by the customer to do the rectification work...

Mr. Twoheadsnake told me one day after lunch (before him being introduced to the customer), that he wishes to take over the whole project from Cockroach, as he felt that he can do better without Cockroach's inteference. He also referenced a few small technical cases that Cockroach had appointed him for help recently, which he managed to make pretty good progress without seeking out for Cockroach. I suggested him not to take that move, as he doesn't know how bad the situation is. He agreed.

Well, Twoheadsnake isn't a stupid person, in fact he is good in manipulating people. But I found that he is overly confident, and wants to show off his capabilities too fast, too much. I do not know what to say, but only to recognise his sheer arrogance to shove the customer's request away within a week after the first meeting, which was lasted for less than half an hour. I guess at times, arrogance can really make one overlook many things.

Monday, August 24, 2009


How much would you trust a person, in order to prepare yourself to be betrayed?

I have come across this situation a couple of times, but it somehow got me sick today. I drove a long way home today, and have been thinking about it.

I can't say anything as I don't have the proof, but I see things coming. Let's see how these people turn the table around, and I shall learn to judge people better from there.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

No violin class in August + AH1N1

Yes, no violin class again for this week, cause the teacher is required to quarantine himself at home for a week.

Next lesson will also be cancelled, cause it is a public holiday eve, whereby the road going down the the music centre will be closed for national day parade on 31 August.

So, I have skipped the violin class for one whole month. I hope that the teacher will get well soon.


With the AH1N1 things going round, we must take care of ourselves. However, there are a few incidents in my company that tick me off.

The first case is our document controller, her husband somehow got a flu, and spread it to her 3 months old baby, and she herself was feeling ill too. The baby had fever for 3 weeks, and all they have done was just bringing the baby to see the same doctor again and again.

She continued to come to work with heavy fever. Despite our suggestions that she should get herself and her baby checked thoroughly at the government hospital, she refused. The reason being, her husband doesn't allow the baby to be brought to hospital. And she doesn't know how to drive.

We insisted that she should take a taxi to the nearest government hospital to our office, as many of our colleagues have young kids at home, we do not want any AH1N1 suspect to roam around freely in the air-cond, enclosed office. It is also better for her to take care of herself before tending to the work. She said she needed to wait for her husband to come to fetch her.... Her husband was already more than 200km away from our office, going to his factory (around the edge of the state) to start his day.

Anyway, we managed to shover her into a taxi and sent her to the hospital in the end.


Another case was our cleaning lady, she came into office crying on a Monday morning, claming that her youngest daughter fell ill with high fever, and her boss didn't allow her to take leave to take care of the kid. (Our cleaning tasks are out-sourced)

Upon questioning her, we realised that her daughter had been ill since Friday, and the matter dragged onto Monday. Her husband didn't want to bring the kid to hospital. So our HR gave her some time off to go home.

Again, she doesn't know how to drive, her husband came from home with motorcycle, picked her up and went home. Together they brought the child to see the doctor. However, on Tuesday when we met her again, she said he husband didn't bring the kid to hospital, but brought the kid to general clinic, which costs them 50 over bucks.

Only until the case gone worse, later that week, her husband willing to send the poor kid to the hospital, and the kid has been hospitalised.

All these incidents has given me some thoughts: women really need to be strong and independent. In a country like this, whereby one is practically disabled without owning a vehicle, women particularly need to know how to drive. You can't rely on your husband all the time, moreover a stupid and irresponsible one. Women must not lose the connection to the society after getting married, or else, we will only become a mantelpiece (that's if you are pretty enough, and age-proof) at home.

Anyway, the main thing is still to take care of yourself, as no one else will take care of you any better than yourself.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

First week in Sales

It was my first week in Sales department last week. To be precise, it is in proposal department, where one reads the tender documents and preparing a bid / quotation to the customer.

There are three people in this department, my engineering boss, who is now the proposal department head, Decamouth and myself. Perhaps it is time to give my boss a pseudoname... let's call him Mr. Porche911, cause he used to own one, and managed to crash it into someone else's garden.

I managed to read two sets of tender documents this week, which almost made me falling asleep.

I wonder what will I be after a few months in Sales / Proposal? I must work hard and be more alert, as I will be working closely to Decamouth. And I will also have to learn up about entertaining people... which is my weakest link.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Violin lesson cancelled again

Well, my violin lesson was cancelled again last Sunday, cause the teacher has not recovered.

It has been a while since I last played my violin, and I managed to spend some time with it this morning. I was lucky that the violin has not been abandoned for too long, as it is not out of tune yet.

It took me a while to get back the feelings, but my fingers were already hardened. I need more practise. To be able to start my day with violin, is a blessing somehow, I guess.

Even by just playing D during that short 20 minutes practise frame, I find it relaxing enough to motivate me starting a day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Egoistic Colleague

One of my colleague, who is in charge of the civil structure of the building, is rather egoistic. Let's call him Twoheadsnake.

He is good in smooth talking, and he is very good in handling situations. But he always like to look good in front of others.

Anyway, the story goes like this.

I have sucessfully handed over the projects on my hand back to Mr. Cockroach this morning, in front of the MD and my engineering boss, aka technical boss. Mr. Twoheadsnake was also in the meeting, who was caught off guard by being called into the the meeting without any preparation.

I was rather surprised to have him taking over my projects, which in a way, I know Mr. Twoheadsnake will not be happy about.

Mr. Twoheadsnake had never met the customer before, and yet after the handover meeting this morning, he told me this:

"Vinegar, I guess it is better for you to tell the customer that you can't handle this project well, that you are now calling in some colleague who are more senior than you to take this over." Followed by a few suggestions of what he thinks I should do to make his life easier.

My first instinct was, this is wrong. The more he said, the more I felt that his words are full loads of rubbish.

So I answered, "No, I am not going to say that to the customer, cause it is going to make your life difficult." He continued his plans etc, I was rather annoyed and started frowning and raised my hand to ask him to stop.

First of all, I knew the customer well enough to know what to say. He had never met the customer before, yet suggests me what to do with the customer?!

Then, I was transferred into the project department, under the clause that it will end by the end of July. Though I anticipated that this deadline will not materialise, I tried to push for a handover back to Mr. Cockroach. In the end, I got to transfer out. It has nothing to do with my capabilities in handling projects.

I was transferred to this department with loads of shytes thrown at me, without any direction and help on how to solve them. I have tackled one by one, and now left only this one and only difficult customer who tried to fish me to their company.

Third, if I were to tell the customer the way he wanted. The customer would have a very high expectation of him. He is just going to get a tougher life from the customer!

Forth, Twoheadsnake thought that he is much better than me, cause though being two years older than me, he has worked for 10 years. I admit that he is more well exposed than me, but I do not agree that he is more superior than me. And I certainly do not think that I need to lower myself to feed his ego in front of the customer.

When I was faced this customer, I wasn't even introduced properly. My first meeting regarding this project was a contractor meeting, where everyone was too busy shouting across the table, I looked too puzzled to figure out what'd happened. My first meeting with the customer was with my consultant, and I made my own introduction to each and everyone in their office.

When I do this handover to Twoheadsnake, I told him that I will guide him for a month or so, and told him to feel free copying me into the email loop even after I am off the project. I told him I will do a formal introduction of him to the customer, and will attend the regular meetings with him for the next month, and will guide him closely from where I handed over today.

Yet, my effort is not appreciated. I guess I just have to do my part, and let things flow by itself. I guess sometimes, it is just hard to please a person who is unhappy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Suddenly Friday

It is quite happening today.

I went to my client's site with our site supervisor, to inspect some work done by my contractor. It hasn't finished due to the infrastructure wasn't completed by my client. But this contractor insisted that he has completed the work, and tracked me and our site supervisor down on the highway to sign the Delivery Order (DO) for him. We had to take other routes to go back to office.

The war continues with emails when I arrived back to office... and I suspended the email shootings until Monday.

Another project which has been quiet for a very long time suddenly surfaced with some huge problems just before I left the office today... sigh... my heart sinks when I read the email, but wait till Monday.

The major thing that drained my energy today is the client that I visited today, tried to persuade me to join their company.

The client's technical manager has been acting strange since about a month ago, and he got his project engineer to do the speaking today. I rejected him. When we were just about to leave the site, the technical manager, whom was claimed to be overseas this afternoon, suddenly appeared in the carpark. Shaking hands with me, and asked if the contractor's work is ok. I assured him and went off with the site supervisor.

He sent an sms while we were being tracked by the contractor, requesting to speak when I am free. Anyway, I rejected him via sms just now.

This is not the first time someone approached me for the same reason. I was approached by one of my research collaborator last time, but that was only done by people with the same level as me, and it wasn't serious.

This is the first time I had someone higher level doing this and in a much more persistant manner. I do not want to offend them, as it might affect my work with them -- this client has not been pleased with us since the beginning of the project. Yet I have to be assertive to push the "reconsideration sms-es" away. May be I am just overacting, but I felt uncomfortable to deal with delicate professional relationship like this.

In a way, I should feel glad this technical manager has recognised my effort, though in a rather unconventional way.

What I am most happy is to have good support from my boyfriend over this matter; and my current engineering boss, who doesn't know what happened, and yet generous enough to let me sit in his room quietly to calm myself down when I was feeling agitated over today's events.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Came back from Singapore

Just came back from Singapore last night, didn't manage to rush back to office for the global staff meeting, which was held at 8pm local time -- the USA was just starting their day while we ended ours. All these were thanks to our very efficient budget airway, which was late for an hour.

Anyway, I was there to check out the construction progress, and I thought it was too short for me to learn anything from the site supervisor. They were just pitching the huge fan blades when I received a phone call from my boss, saying that he was waiting for me underneath the site. :(

I went there with my Engineering boss, I was warned by many colleagues that he is a boring travel partner, cause he talks a lot, and it is difficult to carry a conversation outside of work with him. Well, we all experienced his lengthy words in the office, without having a chance to interupt. Anyway, though he did most of the talking when we went out for a drink in Singapore, but we managed to carry a conversation when we were waiting for the flight, yes, the delayed-for-an-hour flight.

We managed to talk things outside of work, from airplanes to blood type to diet to biology to history of mankind, from cross words to singing Ode to Joy, from astro-physics to Florida to visa to asylum seekers, from rains to bird poos to cat foot prints to cars to pubs to pretty gals... I thought it went pretty good.

I thought he has been protecting himself pretty well, that's why it is difficult to talk about other things apart from work. And I guess this is when general life experiences is important to enrich a conversation. I am lacking of these experiences since coming home...

I am so tired today, due to arriving home late last night. I really need a weekend to recharge. But my batteries seem to run flat before I charge it...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


There is no violin class today, cause the teacher wasn't feeling well.

I wasn't feeling well from this morning's voluntary work either. I used to sit at the registration counter, but this time, I was in the GP section -- I was one of the GP assistants.

The doctor that I served was a pediatrician, lots of mothers came in with their young babies. Most of them had had bad skin infections, and had delayed for months and months, cause these free clinic sessions only come by once a month, if not longer.

Most of other GPs were late, the one at the next booth was treating flu and AH1N1 suspects, two booths away was another GP taking up the gynecologist role, as the gynecologist didn't turn up this morning.

At the end of the hall, there were three treatment booth for dentists. Kids were yelling all their heart out in under the tweezers.

My role this morning was to assist the pediatrician to take urine samples from the patients. I only managed to serve less than five patients and started to feel anematic. The booth was pretty small, about 3m x 1.5m area, covered by thick cotton cloths, about 2m height. A fan was put behind the doctor, A small table two chairs were in the booth too. There were about 5-8 person in the pediatrician booth at any one time, including doctor, assitants and translators. It was stuffy, and I am having heavy days of the month.

I walked out of the booth to outside the building twice, and given up on the second time I walked out, as I really felt dizzy and couldn't walk straight.

My health seems to have dropped million miles since returned home. I am living in a diminishing return lifestyle here, and don't know how to overcome it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Violin Stage 2 Lesson 1

It has been a while since the first stage violin lesson ended. I tried to play the violin every morning in the car as usual, but it got disturbed more and more frequently due to the work load, and going outstation.

I only managed to get the music score for Ode to Joy last Saturday, cause I lost contact with the classmates for some time. The teacher was expecting us to play this song today, at the beginning of our Stage 2 violin lesson.

I didn't practise a lot this week. So I don't know how will I end up later this afternoon.

It has been a while since I have my Sundays packed with activities, I am getting lazy now to go out on Sunday afternoon... Need to get motivated again.