Thursday, September 17, 2009

Huge quake

There was an rather unexpected resource shuffle in my office on Monday.

2/3 of staffs who survived from the previous retrenchment got laid off, of which half of them were dismissed immediately. The other half stayed until the end of the year / beginning of next year, depending on the notice period for different positions.

There were only 9 people left, including myself, of which 5 are managers.

Since then, there have been lots of strange stories flying around the office. I will tell them later. In short, I have gotten the best deal among everyone who stayed, though not in the most obvious way.

Anyway, over the past couple of days, it had allowed me to see Mr. Twoheadsnake's other faces more clearly. Mr. Twoheadsnake at first thought that I was the leftover, who the VP decided to keep for the sake of pity. He then showed off his "power":

"Wow, now that your future is left hanging, that you may not even be in the office... it will leave only me to work with Decamouth. As you know, Decamouth is in very good terms with Cockroach, and he behaved well in front of Porche911... which means I must make sure the MD will like me, or else I have no place to stand."

"I am not sure what you want out of your career, but for me, I want to sit on Porche911's place. I am not going to leave this company, cause they are paying me well. I don't think with your current situation, you should think too much about career advancement, but to secure a job first."

He also called me the following day, when I was stucked in traffic jam on my way home:

"Vinegar, I think if I am in your position, it would be better to just resign and let the pain end quickly. Now that you don't know if you will be kept by the company, won't it be better if you make the initiative to resign?"

The persuasion went on for about 20km, not to mention that I was driving with average speed of 30km/h.

When Porche911 asked me to move my desk from Engineering department to Sales department, I had a choice of two desks -- one is sitting face to face with Decamouth, with the back facing walls, so no one can see your computer screen, this place used to be Mr. Big's seat. The other one is sitting facing the back of Decamouth, having Porche911 seeing through his glass panels in his room onto my desk. The second place is more exposed comparatively. This is what Twoheadsnake said,

"Are you going to choose Mr. Big's seat?"
"No, I am going to choose another seat. Why?" I answered.
"Oh, cause I am eyeing on that seat, if you take it, then I will have to take the other one when I am moved over to that department."
"Oh, don't worry, I don't want to face Decamouth everyday, so you can take that seat."

There hasn't even any news of moving him to the Sales department. He has only been recently moved out of engineering department to project department...

Anyway, I have reported this to Porche911 today. I didn't tell him who made that comment, but I guess with him knowing it is from the remaining 9 of us in the company, it is not difficult to find out. It may take some time for him to discover the true faces of people. But through the observation after the conversation today, I knew he guessed the wrong person -- Decamouth.

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