Saturday, January 30, 2010

Twoheadsnake vs Decamouth

What do you get when two-heads meets ten-mouths?

I was sitting near Twoheadsnake and Decamouth the other day, waiting to be seen by the HR in her office, and overheard the following conversation between them, which was targetted at me...

Decamouth, "You know, my professor told me that my research is one of the best among all, he wanted me to continue my studies in Master and PhD. He said my research worth a lot of paper published."

(Decamouth is a Bachelor degree holder in the same local university as Twoheadsnake. He graduated as an Industry Engineer, while Twoheadsnake is a Master degree holder in Civil Engineering, one step higher than decamouth... if you compare the degrees they hold)

Twoheadsnake, "Well, I actually prefer to study overseas, if I have the money, I would go overseas to continue my studies to have a PhD."

Decamouth, "It is not easy to maintain a PhD degree, you need to publish a certain amount of papers to hold that Dr. title..."

Twoheadsnake, "Well, I don't want to do PhD that are mostly simulation works, I have tried those myself in my Masters... those are con-man PhD."

(I have not published anything since I left academic field years ago, and my PhD based mostly on simulations. But I enjoyed hearing their conversation, it is kinda like listening to 5 years old telling the 3 years old, how big is the world.

Anyway, for those who couldn't sense the chemistry up to this point -- Decamouth was trying to focus the conversation towards me, "their common target"; but Twoheadsnake was trying to "kill two birds in one stone", by put me lower than him, while trying to put himself one step higher than Decamouth....)

Twoheadsnake continue, "I think being a civil engineer, it is better for me to get some hands-on PhD."

Decamouth, "Well, I don't want to do a PhD,"
(Oups, you could see Twoheadsnake was trying to hide his dumbfolded expression. Hahaha... Decamouth was obviously upset that Twoheadsnake trying to minimise him.)
"I have better things to do in life, I wouldn't waste my money to get a PhD."

Twoheadsnake, "I guess you are right. We both have family now, and our focus of life is different than those being single." and used his eyes to signal Decamouth, that the subject of the topic is me.

(Twoheadsnake couldn't win Decamouth, and didn't want to upset him by trying harder to win the conversation. So he tried to find a common ground between them, and put the arrow towards their common enemy -- me.)

They HR called me in there, so I didn't hear the remaining conversation, but I guess you can see the chemistry between Decamouth and Twoheadsnake there...

I hoped you enjoyed the conversation between the two idiots in my office. Have a great weekend ahead.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time difference

I was searching for information regarding the USA, and am puzzled with the US time zones.
Why can't they just use GMT + x? I guess it has something to do with the ego...

Anyway, I have found out that if my boyfriend were to be transferred to Australia during my stay in US, our time difference would be 1 day and 8 hours.

In a way, it is kinda similar to how we used to communicate while I was in UK, the time difference was 8 hours as well, except that we were living in the same day...

I wonder how would our conversation be next time...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Going to USA

It has been a while since I last travelled.
I will be going to USA for a year after Chinese New Year.

Though the news were already known to many for about a year, but when the actual documents finally came through, I am only left with one month to prepare. I kinda feel unhappy about the inefficiency of the HR. But I am more nervous and worried now, than to get mad at those HRs.

My first experience as an expat wasn't good. Now is the second time, and I am even further from home... I am still having the fear left over from the past experience. I guess I have to face it and get through it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fruitful weekend

I went to the ballet show -- Men in Tutus, on Saturday night. It was a very entertaining show. I loved the "Dying Swan" the most.

The show wasn't too long, it lasted about 2 hours, with 20 minutes break in between. But it started pretty late, so by the time it ended, it was already 10.30pm.

Those male ballerinas were all transformed into pretty ladies after dressing up. They are very muscular, and some of them are really tall. I didn't realise how tall they are, until the "dying swan" came up the audience crowd to take picture with some of the audience during the performance.

There was a photo session with the male ballerinas after the show, but it was too crowded, so I didn't get close.

I had an early start today (Sunday), and went to visit one of my secondary schoolmate with few friends. The one that we visited today was all time no. 1 in our class, I lost touch with her after secondary school, she just came back from Taiwan for holiday. I am so glad to meet her today. She has transformed into a pretty mother, with a very cute baby girl. And her husband is a gentleman.

So 5 ladies sat together, with two were already mothers, our discussion topics seems endless.
I enjoyed an afternoon with old girl friends. Someone told me that secondary schoolmates are the best friends in life, cause they have seen the worst of you. I am starting to understand it now. Though I don't know when will we be meeting each other again, but meeting them sure brings back lots of nostalgic feelings.

I once thought that I am nothing better than a working machine who only sleep and work, everything surrounds is surreal. But meeting them made me feel alive again, in a real world.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Twoheadsnake vs Azreal

Twoheadsnake is taking care of Project S now, and it is close to completion. Like every universal law, there are hick ups when it comes to an end. So I am helping Twoheadsnake to sort out this hick up.

This hick up required me to have some steel fabricated, and send to the site to patch the problems. So I drew out some drawings, calculated out the quantity for nuts and bolts etc, sent out an email to Azreal on Tuesday morning, to ask for quotations from our suppliers. I mentioned in the email, that the quotations must be gathered by Friday.

One minute after the email was sent, Twoheadsnake talked to me, saying that 6mm thickness for the steel is too thick, he recommended 3mm. I said if he thinks 3mm is ok, I am fine with it, he can feel free to change the drawing. He then said, "Oh, nevermind, let's see how it goes." It seems like he is not willing to take the responsibility of making a decision.

So I waited for the quotation, but didn't notice anyone making calls to vendors. I walked over to Azreal and Twoheadsnake's desks Thursday afternoon, and casually asking Azreal if the quotation is ready.

She asked, "What quotation?"
Twoheadsnake tried to help her answering, "Oh, the Project S one isn't it?"
Azreal quickly point her finger to Twoheadsnake, "I thought you said you are sending the enquiry out!"

The conversation then become the two of them pushing the blame to each other, and tried to make up stories to me, saying that they wanted to change to another vendor. I said, "I don't mind which vendor, you (I looked at Azreal) know the procedure better than me, as long as I get the price..."

Then the two continued to blame each other, and I walked away. At the end of the day, I noticed that Twoheadsnake went home alone, unlike any usual days, where they will wait for each other for hours to leave office together.

On Friday, there was still no quotation sent to me, and I was curious who won the blame. So I sent out an email requesting for status of the enquiry, and gave more tasks -- request for quotation for freight. When I walked pass their seats later, it happened that Azreal wasn't around. It was a great time talking to Twoheadsnake alone. I asked if he, as a project engineer of this job, would prefer these items to be sent to site -- by sea or air?

This has brought the conversation to the status of the enquiry for the steel. Twoheadsnake said that he will send out the enquiries to the vendors after our conversation.

So it seems that Twoheadsnake lost to Azreal.

He mentioned again that 3mm thickness is enough, I trust his judgement, and told him to feel free to change the drawing. He hesitated again, and said "Well, since we have enough margins for this project, I think we could erode some for such thick steels." As if the scare factor will work on me.

To be frank, I pity Twoheadsnake, he doesn't need to take the heat from Azreal. Azreal is the procurement person, and Twoheadsnake is the project/structural engineer. It was clearly Azreal's fault for not reading the email, yet she blamed Twoheadsnake for not helping her.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Are you the 5%?

I am in Sales department for about 5 months now. There are only four of us here, including myself:
-- Ir Decamouth, who is a junior manager;
-- Mr. Porche911, who is the director and sits in a room overseeing everyone's desk;
-- Ms. Horse who is the marketing lady who shares the same initials as me.

So I went for the belated company annual body check up yesterday with Ms. Horse. We came back discussing about health related stuffs, Decamouth joinned in and started boasting about himself...

Decamouth, "You know what? That doctor said that I am the 5% special people in this world! I can't get the Hepatitis B antibody, no matter how many jabs I take.

The doctor said my body has the natural stuff that can counter the Hepatitis B, that you normal people doesn't have. It is called $%#$%. It is in my gene."
(I don't remember the name of it, words with more than 3 syllables are too difficult to enter my head.)

I had the urge to tell him "Do you know that you are speaking to one of the 5%?" But I didn't say it. Cause I didn't want to be mistaken as wanting to suck up to him.

We both ignored him and get back to work after listening to him, and continued our discussions when Decamouth left his place.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2010!

These were the things I wanted to do last year:
1. I am hoping to start learning violin.
Started the lesson, and finished the lesson. Wouldn't be able to continue the lesson in 2010, if I were to be posted overseas...
2. I need to go to swim more regularly.
Gonna continue doing more exercise this year.
3. I am hoping to get a cleaner face... the polution, the stress has made my face filled with pimples... TT_TT
Improved a little, working on it still...
4. I have to work on my confidence.
Improved a little, especially when I got in touch with my old friends, they made me find back my old self.
5. Try to be more of a lady than ladette. (Somehow I have a bad feeling that I won't score well on this)
Totally screwed this one... I am still a ladette, and I think if I shave my head, I would really become a guy.
6. I want an increment on my salary...
Oh, got a little increment in 2009, but very unlikely to have anything in 2010.

What is your goal for this year? I am going to:

1. Improve my inter-personal skills
2. Continue practising my violin
3. Try to draw more...
I haven't been drawing anything for more than 6 months already...
4. Try harder to be myself, as in trying to voice out my thoughts more.
I am getting sick of always saying things that others like to listen; behaving in a way that others think I should behave... to hell with those nonsense.
5. Keep in touch with my old friends.
Went to visit my secondary classmates the other day, I felt very happy, cause they knew the ugliest side of me, yet willing to accept me. I feel very happy to have known them.
6. Need to think more creatively.
I find that the more I work, the more I killed my creativity cells (not to say I have a lot of them to begin with...). I wonder if I would become a robot one day.
7. Save some money, or perhaps increase my income?
8. Love myself more -- spend more time doing things that worth my attention, than spending time being affected by nonsense.

I guess I am not a very ambitious person, just listing down 8 for the time being... otherwise the motivation would be eaten up by the long to-do list.