Saturday, January 9, 2010

Are you the 5%?

I am in Sales department for about 5 months now. There are only four of us here, including myself:
-- Ir Decamouth, who is a junior manager;
-- Mr. Porche911, who is the director and sits in a room overseeing everyone's desk;
-- Ms. Horse who is the marketing lady who shares the same initials as me.

So I went for the belated company annual body check up yesterday with Ms. Horse. We came back discussing about health related stuffs, Decamouth joinned in and started boasting about himself...

Decamouth, "You know what? That doctor said that I am the 5% special people in this world! I can't get the Hepatitis B antibody, no matter how many jabs I take.

The doctor said my body has the natural stuff that can counter the Hepatitis B, that you normal people doesn't have. It is called $%#$%. It is in my gene."
(I don't remember the name of it, words with more than 3 syllables are too difficult to enter my head.)

I had the urge to tell him "Do you know that you are speaking to one of the 5%?" But I didn't say it. Cause I didn't want to be mistaken as wanting to suck up to him.

We both ignored him and get back to work after listening to him, and continued our discussions when Decamouth left his place.

1 comment:

JW said...

Wow! You are like some "superhuman", much like Wolverine....the 5% special with built-in antibody! :D