Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trip to Oklahoma

Went down to Oklahoma (OK) over the weekend, to attend my friend's graduation in University of Oklahoma (OU). Departing early morning from Kansas, reaching his house at lunch time, non-stop 6 hours drive. The car was behaving well.

My friend had done some good arrangements and took care of me well. I feel ashamed for going there unprepared.

Tried taking some pictures, but most of them were blurry, blame my tiredness.

It was a great weekend, though didn't get to see much of OK. Few reasons:

1. It was the first time I attended an American style graduation. It wasn't like the UK ones. People cheered for the graduates when they got up to the stage, and the atmosphere was fun, celebrating, and lively.

Though the gown quality were rather light, but you get to own it. There were graduates decorated their square hat with things they wanted to say.

Also, the Americans respect the uniqueness of individuals, and their achievements. Because there were many colours of the hoods, and each meaning different things.

Compared to the UK ones, which are more royal touch, it was like a party for the graduates in OU.

2. I got to visit their Engineering Faculty.

It has been a while since I last stepped into a university, getting in touch with the high-end researches. It brought back lots of memories of my research days. It is hard to describe the feelings, it felt almost being brought back alive again.

This is a real example of the force of Tornado visited in 1949, which caused a piece of wood to stuck into an aircraft steel piece.

Looking at the research posters as we walked down the hallway, I also feel sad, that I could never get back to quality research again, as long as I stay in Malaysia.

I also saw a real turbine cut out, and my favourite SR-71 Blackbird -- display model. I have the same flight model at home, it was my 19th birthday present from my colleague classmates, but the pin and the wheel was broken -- it is a piece of junk to everyone else in the family, when I was away.

I was very excited, but couldn't really show much, due to the tiredness, the long drive, and the headache was slowly creeping into me.

3. My friend's research project has some relation with my ex-company, and my previous job. I got all estatic when he showed me his report, and it went multiple fold when I saw his prototype. I totally forgotten about the headache and tiredness, and kept asking questions.

I couldn't recall much when he first started the conversation, but it slowly came back like the water tide, and I eventually remembered all of it when he showed me his prototype and posters.

I know that his aunt and parents were getting pretty bored in the lab, seeing us chatting these nerdy geeky techie stuffs, but I couldn't help myself. It has been a long while since someone talks to me on machine.

Though my bf is also a mechanical engineer, but I guess we have too much of other stuffs to minggle, than talking about these geeky stuffs. Also, he has moved up the ladder, and I kinda dispise the engineering management people -- most of them kinda reluctant to roll up their sleeves, once their stomach grown big enough to put onto the table when they sit down.

4. Met a bunch of new faces, most of them are Malaysian. Had some kick ass home cooked Indian food. Their hospitality and their food made me home sick. Brought some banana cake home too.

I originally planned to leave on Sunday morning, but postponed until 2.30pm, because I was thoroughly enjoying myself there.

That's my weekend in OK, though there wasn't any visits to the town, but it was absolutely worth the trip. I wish we would meet again, and continue our nerdy geeky techie chat.

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