Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rainny day

I guess this is the first thunderstorm I had in Kansas.

I remembered seeing a lightning at night, while driving to Colorado last month. The German colleague was so fascinated by the lightning, as he could hardly see it in Germany. I, on the other hand, took it for granted.

It has been rumbling over the whole night last night, and was pouring every so often since the beginning of the week.

This kind of weather, with the sound of wet tree leafs rubbing off each other in the damp breeze, the sound of rain droplets hitting hard on the tar road, the sound of water flowing on the road... it reminded me of home.

The storm come and go very quickly, leaving behind clear brisk wind blowing. The only thing different, is the smell of wet soil. We often have smell of chill-shocked-sand mixed rotten leafs after the rain, I know it doesn't sound nice, but the aroma is actually refreshing. What Kansas offers, is the smell of Nitrate products, which are often used for the lawns.

On rainny days like this, in Malaysia, I would usually stuck in the traffic jam, for at least 2 hours. I quite enjoy the time in the traffic jam, with my favourite musics, because that's my own private time.

On rainny days like this, it also reminded me of the days in UK. It would drizzle all year round, without thunderstorm. Then you will get the smell of rotten leafs and dog poo, the furnitures in the house would start to have the damp smell, and the carpet would be the worst offence. Cooking curry with my housemate at this time, would be something we would enjoy. Or perhaps some Lincolnshire sausages with bread and mustard. Days like this, would best be spent sitting by the window, with a cup of rich thick hot drink, watching the people rushing home down the streets.

I like rainny days, because that's the time the pedestrian streets are clear, and the whole town is washed clean. You could have the best colour of the town, the silhouette of the city would appear calmer.

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