Tuesday, May 25, 2010


How many continents are there in this world?

I was chatting with an old friend yesterday, he is settling well in UK, and have found a dream job that most of us wanted to have. I am very happy for him, because I too was rejected by that company. T_T

We were talking about cars, and exchanging our stories of buying cars. He then said this out of the blue, "You are the only person I knew, who has worked in 4 different continents."

I don't know how many continents there are in this world, I know there are 5 oceans for sure -- and I made a couple of holes in one of them.

It somehow reminded me of a conversation with a new intern. girl in our office the other day, she said, "I have never been outside USA. You have lived in so many countries before, which one would you like the best?" The second half of the question was exactly the same one I asked the German colleague, when I first met him.

So, it kept me thinking... there are in fact many of us, who set our feet in more than one continents. For example, let's see if I could name 10 of them...

The German colleague, he is from Europe, he studied in Africa, come to USA for 4 months to work.

One of my ex-colleague, he is a professor in North Africa, studied in Europe.

My boss in Malaysia, he was born and raised in North America, worked in South America, Europe, and now in Asia.

My client, born and raised in South America, worked in Europe and Asia.

My virtual friend, Malaysian, studied in Taiwan, USA, worked in Singapore.

My class monitor, Malaysian, worked in Asia and Europe.

My ex-colleague, from Myanmar, went to South Africa to work, then Europe, then now in Australia studying PhD. And I believed he travelled more than just that.

My ex-colleague, from Asia, moved to Australia, worked in USA, and various countries in Asia and South America.

My ex-colleague, from Europe, worked in Middle East, USA, Asia, Australia.

My bf, studied in Europe, worked in Central Asia for a short while, Australia / New Zealand, and Asia.

Myself, I set foot on Australia, Europe, Asia, and now in USA.
If there were a chance, I would like to go to more countries, and stay there for some time.

I guess we all have our fair chance of exposure, which made this world smaller, and hopefully we learned that we are just a small creatures in this world, and we should be more humble towards the world.

I think there are 10 of them...

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