Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday

These are the things I have done before last year's birthday: Things I have done this year.

For this year, I won't list the things I have done, because being able to come to USA, even for less than a year, has given me a lot of "firsts".

The most important lesson I learned this year, is to be comfortable in my own skin. I hope I get to keep this feeling for a longer time, even after returning to Malaysia. I am really not looking forward to returning...

Of the goals I set at the beginning of this year, I guess I achieved most of it. I need to continue working on those which needed a little more push. There is still December left, before 2011 comes.

Here are the goals I listed at the beginning of 2010:
1. Improve my inter-personal skills (+)
2. Continue practising my violin (-)
3. Try to draw more. (-)
4. Try harder to be myself, as in trying to voice out my thoughts more. (+)
5. Keep in touch with my old friends. (0)
6. Need to think more creatively. (0)
7. Save some money, or perhaps increase my income? (0)
8. Love myself more. (+)

(+) is improved, (-) is not improved, (0) is hanging in there.

And I would like to be more confident, have more faith on myself and gather enough strength and wisdom to overcome the pasts, while opening a new future, starting from now.

The journey to Washington and New York got me started thinking to venture into studying architectures...

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