Friday, October 28, 2011

Last day for Mr. Porche

Today is the last day for Mr. Porche in our office. He spent the morning cleaning up his office room, most of the afternoon briefing Decamouth on some projects, and hanging around.

I was quite busy today, and forgotten about the lunch. By lunch time, England called me to go out for lunch, I accepted it without second thoughts. Before I knew it, Decamouth, Azreal and England actually planned to go out together for lunch. Though felt hesitate, I didn't know why I didn't refuse. I regreted for not declining the lunch, as I felt really bad for not having the last lunch with Porche.

Porche handed his company car back to the car rental person, and I sent him home at 5pm. I felt like crying while seeing him shaking hands with everyone on his way out. We didn't speak much on the short journey from the office to his apartment. It was the first time and last time I held my boss and said thank you.

I feel as if a portion of my heart was frozen, that I don't know how to react to his departure. I should have asked him for lunch the last time, should have said something more meaningful than just a "thank you" as my last word. I didn't even say good bye. I couldn't look into his eyes, as I am afraid that my tears would come out, I held the tears well and smiled well, until I drove out of his apartment drop off area. I still remember the sky was gloomy, it started drizzling.

He has been a very respectable and professional boss throughout the time we worked together. He taught me a lot of things. He was like a mentor than a boss. I miss him a lot, and am very sad to see him leaving.

Although he will be joinning our distribution agent in Australia, but I will be leaving the company soon, so this is really a departure, there is no more chance for us to work together again.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mirror Image

Decamouth is now getting closer to the day when he can be called a senior technical manager, and sitting in a room with window.

While Mr. Ciggy is away for this week, Decamouth was complaining about Ciggy's work attitude. He commented about Ciggy's lack of ownership, lack of initiative, reluctant to take advices and mistakes he made due to overseeing things.

I agree that Ciggy has a lot of rooms for improvements, but he is only joinning us for less than a year, we really can't expect him to be perfect and not making mistakes. Having mistakes is the only way he could learn.

However, hearing how Decamouth complained about Ciggy, it was as if Decamouth didn't even realise he is making the same mistakes despite being with the company for more than 4 years.

He is too reluctant to take ownership to his work, lack of initiatives, reluctant to take advices and blame others for his mistakes. He even takes credits from others, and manipulate information to make others bear his blame, while he could look good to the upper management.

I was laughing when he was complaining, this is what we called pot calling the kettle black.

I only have less than a month to go, and certainly won't miss these kind of nonsense in this office.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Perverty Decamouth

We have our regular all staff meeting on every Monday morning.
This week there isn't a lot of people, as there is a public holiday, and some of us make use of it by taking vacations before/after the holiday to make it a long weekend.

With less people sitting around the meeting table, Ms. Grumpy was sitting between me and Decamouth by chance. She was wearing a long sleeve V-neck blouse that day. For some reason, the V-neck opening revealed the rim of her bra, I could see it clearly from my side, sitting on the Ikea foldable chair.

At the same time, I also noticed Decamouth who sat on the proper meeting chair (higher than the Ikea chairs that myself and Grumpy was sitting), can't kept his eyes away from Grumpy's chest.

Decamouth started by leaning against the meeting table. Not long after he noticed her blouse, he slowly backed away from the table, his chair was moving further and further away from the table, up to a point that he could have a better view.

I kept looking at Decamouth, but despite my glares, it didn't stop him from peeping. I then recalled Grumpy and England told me about Decamouth's new Omega watch and diamond rings, and how he felt uncomfortable when people looked at those things on his hands. So I spotted his diamond rings, and kept looking at his rings. Pretty sparkling diamond ring, and a glowing wedding band.

Decamouth noticed that I paid attention to his rings, and tried to hide it away by folding his arms and moving about. I wasn't really interested in his accessories, but was relieved that it took his focus away from Grumpy.

I learned from Grumpy and England later during the day that this is not the first time Decamouth behaved this way...

What a man...

Monday, October 24, 2011

My Passion Fruits

There is this house at the end of the street, who has grown a very large crop of passion fruit. They built a frame so huge, it became their porch at the gate entrance.

Everyone was so amazed by those red and green fruits hanging down from the porch, and we took a branch from that house and started growing our own passion fruit. This happened about one and a half year ago.

My mom got it, but didn't pay attention to the plant, it took forever to grow. Until recently we found out that passion fruit plant is actually "hungry" at all times. We need to feed it with lots of nutrients.

So instead of using chemical fertilisers, I pour the "enzyme" I made ages ago, and saw instant transformation to that skinny cripplish plant. It grew real fast, in a few months time it already spread all over the place and started giving flowers.

I really like the flowers, they have this real meaty pedals, with long and purple-ish tentacles. It looks so strangely beautiful, it looks like some alien flower.

See the green passion fruit at the back?

We thought when the flower dies, it would turn into fruit by itself. The first 3 passion fruits appeared by chance in July, which was 4 months after we started pouring the ever organic "enzyme". It takes 3 months from flower to ripe fruit.

Unfortunately we didn't know we need to exchange the pollens among different flowers, so it kinda wasted a few weeks having all the pretty flowers blooming and dying for no reasons. At peak time, we had like 10-12 flowers in a day!

Upon finding out the secret of turning the flower into fruit, I had a part time job as a "bee", busy "breeding" the passion fruit everyday. While "breeding" the plant, I found that the passion fruit actually has some tiny hair grown on the skin, it felt so smooth and tense like a teenage girl's face. I also didn't know how to manage the plant, so having some hard time trying to manage the wild crop.

It has been more than 3 months since we saw the first batch of fruit, it turned red and we plucked it and eat it fresh. It tasted very good.

Now my hardwork over the past few months has started to pay off, I see some fruit turning red now.

It is very rewarding to grow your own plant and harvest from it.

I can't wait to see how the plant would turn out come December on my wedding day. I imagined all the round and green passion fruit would turn pinkish red, like some lantern hanging down from the rack. I think it would be delightful.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vietnam fun

Wanted to post this for a long time, but was pre-occupied with nonsensical stuffs.

I went to Vietnam recently for work, and had a chance to experience Vietnam briefly, here are some highlights which I thought are pretty cute:

1. TV dramas are dubbed to Vietnamese language, but female characters and male characters are both dubbed with a deep male voice. -___- It kills the steam, when the female is a hot babe...

2. The electrical wiring along the roadside is a piece of art, that perhaps only a few modern artists could appreciate.

3. The motorcyclist helmets are damn pretty, forget about the safety perspect -- some are made of cloths.

4. Main road traffic is 100x worse than the traffic in Malaysia -- practically surrounded by motorcyclists.

5. Vietnamese driving skills are superb, because despite having a Lexus or Audi surrounded in the sea of motorcyclists, their car has no scratch marks.

6. The road is more wavy than the river.

7. Health and safety regulations are pretty lose there.

8. I saw some real kick-ass-ly huge factories... in fact the one I went took me more than 30 mins walk (quick walk) from one end to the center road in the factory, and is considered small factory.

9. Regretted for not able to try some local Vietnam food.

10. Vietnam's economic is amazingly lively.

More politics

After my resignations, I wrote to my ex-bosses in the US office, thanked them for their effort training me, and apologised for letting them down for I am leaving the company.

One of them wrote back and asked me for the reason to leave. As I replied the email, I told him that the MD rejected my initiatives to pick up on other roles (sales or operational) and I felt there is no longer any prospect for me in the office. My technical role in this office has been stagnant since I came back from US.

I also wrote about the nonsense with the HR, for delaying my company hospitalisation plan for nearly 6 months, while I was travelling to various jobsites without coverage.

The reason I wrote that is because I didn't want to be misunderstood for leaving because Decamouth, instead of myself, was promoted to the Technical Manager position.

This news eventually got to the president, and back to our MD. The MD called me to his office on Friday afternoon, and we had a long chat on this. He painted me a very promising career future, but when I asked for the timeline for these things to materialise, he couldn't say a word. He asked me to give his words a good thought, and give him a reply on Monday.

I felt as if I was presented with Monet's drawing of the lily pond, but there isn't a route to access to that pretty lily pond.

I only had one condition, which was not to report directly to Decamouth. This can be easily done, as my job scope is currently overlapping the sales, the operational and technical. In fact, even Porche the current technical manager doesn't interfere with my work -- we take care of different product lines.

The MD could easily put me under operational (Cockroach) than in technical (Porche/Decamouth).

I felt that the MD was fooling with me by telling me a (possible) good prospect of my career, without a concrete plan for the office and without addressing my concern.

I rejected him this week, and finally the MD said something that proves me right -- Decamouth have been influencing the MD, and he succeeded.

He asked me what's the problem between myself and Decamouth, I said I find Decamouth is a person that do not deal with things fairly and not transparent. He then stood on Decamouth's side and said that I have pushed back some of the tasks to him, and asked him to deal with it himself. (I don't think it has anything to do with fairness and transparent with this claim.)

As far as I remembered, I only did that once, as I was busy dealing with some other more prioritised projects at that time. While his request was well within his capability to handle, I left him with adequate information to move forward.

It seems that he took that opportunity to back stab me, and the MD apparently stood on his side. In fact, this is not the first time the MD brought out this same incident.

I told the MD that I have not been mentioning anything in particular about Decamouth until today, which made his argument of "listening to both sides" during our discussion unjustified, and led me thinking that he has some favouritism going on.

With this in mind, I think there is no reason for me to speak further, as the MD has tuned his channel to listen to some, and has refused to make alternative arrangement for my request, despite my few suggestions. I firmly rejected his request for reconsidering the resignation, and said it loud and clear -- I do not report to a boss who is unfair and not transparent. I would rather face the unknown future than walking down a cul-de-sac.

Meanwhile, England also spoken to me over the lunch today about Decamouth's conversation with her. She said Decamouth claimed that I wrote to the US HQ about not wanting to report to him, and have talked bad about this office. Decamouth also said that he thought what I did was disrespectful to the management in this office.

I laughed, because he thought too highly of himself, I did not mention a word of him. Also, whether it is disrespectful to the office or not, while the management of this office is incapable of dealing with the inefficiencies here, I think I am doing the right thing for revealing the truth.

I also think that Decamouth got the information from the MD, and he is under some pressure, since myself and England has approached the MD at different time to ask for not reporting to Decamouth.

Nonetheless, I hope that by revealing the dynamics of this office, it would help improving the operations in the future.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The internet in the office was down the entire day, it was both the problem with our service provider, and our server being too old.

We have wasted the entire morning until about 2.30pm, before our HR manager said that we can go home early.

During the whole morning I went out to buy envelops, configured my laptop to connect directly to the printer and printed my resignation letters, signed, gave one to Porche before lunch, and to MD and HR after lunch.

Porche knew I was going to leave anyway, he gave me his recommendation letter. The MD was rather surprised that I would turn in my resignation, and was in a denial phase. He seemed to have forgotten what he told me last time. He also twisted some of the conversations we had. Anyway, he said to me a couple of times, "You are making a wrong decision."

I told him eventually, "Right or wrong, it is my decision."

He did not say anything, I left the room to pass a copy of the letter to the HR. The HR did not ask anything, and at the same time Azreal went into her room for some other things, I am very sure they talked about my resignation.

I feel sad for leaving the company, when I first send my letter to Porche, my hands were shaking. I have put in a lot of effort to my work, in order have the knowledge of what I have today. But there aren't any need for me anymore. I guess to certain extend, Porche would feel more disheartening than me. He has been with the company for more than 10 years, and the office just doesn't need any heavy duty technical support anymore -- it has turned into a pure sales office.

Anyway, despite all the nonsense in the office, I am finally leaving. I just need to count down to my last day of service, and start looking for a job.