Friday, October 28, 2011

Last day for Mr. Porche

Today is the last day for Mr. Porche in our office. He spent the morning cleaning up his office room, most of the afternoon briefing Decamouth on some projects, and hanging around.

I was quite busy today, and forgotten about the lunch. By lunch time, England called me to go out for lunch, I accepted it without second thoughts. Before I knew it, Decamouth, Azreal and England actually planned to go out together for lunch. Though felt hesitate, I didn't know why I didn't refuse. I regreted for not declining the lunch, as I felt really bad for not having the last lunch with Porche.

Porche handed his company car back to the car rental person, and I sent him home at 5pm. I felt like crying while seeing him shaking hands with everyone on his way out. We didn't speak much on the short journey from the office to his apartment. It was the first time and last time I held my boss and said thank you.

I feel as if a portion of my heart was frozen, that I don't know how to react to his departure. I should have asked him for lunch the last time, should have said something more meaningful than just a "thank you" as my last word. I didn't even say good bye. I couldn't look into his eyes, as I am afraid that my tears would come out, I held the tears well and smiled well, until I drove out of his apartment drop off area. I still remember the sky was gloomy, it started drizzling.

He has been a very respectable and professional boss throughout the time we worked together. He taught me a lot of things. He was like a mentor than a boss. I miss him a lot, and am very sad to see him leaving.

Although he will be joinning our distribution agent in Australia, but I will be leaving the company soon, so this is really a departure, there is no more chance for us to work together again.

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