Friday, November 20, 2009

Came back from Palembang

Well, the trip is pretty fine for me. Palembang isn't a very safe city for female to walk alone...

I went out in the morning to take a walk, trying to familiarise myself with the surrounding. When I got back to the hotel to meet up with my boss and our guide, that's what the guide warned me.

People there seem to like MPV and 4WD a lot -- all the cars a big. I guess it is because the petrol there are cheap.

I went into those towers that are older than myself, seeing them standing strong, except some minor defects, I felt as if I have witnessed the history with my own eyes. And I somehow see how the people trial and error with their engineering knowledge at that time, they are just as insecure and inexperience as myself today.

There was an open concert on the second night we stayed. The traffic was really bad when we went out for dinner that night. People are sticking to your car while you are driving... that's a whole new level of intimate driving.

And after the trip, both my boss and me got ill, I bet I got the virus from him.


When I got back to the office this Thursday, I received some sacarstic email and remarks from Cockroach and Twoheadsnake.

They needed my help with some vibration issues, and wrote it in a way as if I do not want to help the project department. They are holding grudges against me handing over the Sabah project to them.

Well, there are only so little people in the office, there is no way anyone could just split the tasks so clear. But the reason I wanted to handover is because I don't want to disappear to USA suddenly next year, without anyone knowing what's going on with the project.

I had never mentioned that I do not want to associate with project departments. I guess I couldn't determine how others think about me.

Nonetheless, I guess my inputs to their problem must be valuable, otherwise Twoheadsnake would not have repeated my words in front of others, in a way which sounded as if it was his own.

I guess I need to learn to enjoy jealousy?


Back to the Palembang trip. One of the main thing I learned from my boss is: guts and honesty.

I really admire his frank attitude, cause it takes huge guts to be frank and stick to what is right. I often give way when people pushed harder, and hate myself after that.

I wonder if there will be a day I have enough wisdom to deal with all sorts of situations without a sweat, just like him.

1 comment:

JW said...

Wow! It's been some time now since I read your blog. And yea,...4 more days to go from this blog entry, will be MechanicalMelon's bday. Yay! :)