Thursday, November 12, 2009

Going to Palembang

Well, I drawn this more than a year ago, when I first joinned this company. But the trip to Indonesia was cancelled, so was the one to Vietnam.

Anyway, I will be going to Indonesia next week, to Palembang, to visit some towers that are even older than myself. Ha!

Have been travelling quite a bit recently, just came back on Monday, from a one day trip to Singapore for meeting... so happened that my bf, too, went to Singapore on the next day. I guess there really might be chances that we eventually meet / date a the airport or highway rest area... -___-!

He was planning to go to Australia on the week I go to Indonesia, but it got postponed to my birthday.

OK, talked too much, better take some rest to battle the office politics tomorrow. I wonder what's my level now? Cause my HP is running low.

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