Thursday, November 5, 2009

Idiotic drivers

I am so tempted to set up a website, where people can put up those car number plate of those idiotic drivers on the road, list out their offences and let the whole world knows.

A stupid driver parked in front of my house again, this stupid driver has been parking in front of my house every now and then. After he left his car here, he went far far away, that even honking won't bring him here to remove his car. Not to mention the car is usually parked here for so damn long.

When we return home, we can't park our car in front of our own house, and causing inconviniences to our neighbours. We then have to come out late at night to check if this idiot moved his car already or not, so that we can park our car back to our places. Sometimes this means late at night.

I am so angry today I nearly wanted to leak his tyre. But eventually I left a huge message on an A4 paper, and placed it under his windscreen wiper. I hope this idiot won't come back parking here again, or else I will have to take some action.

I know we all made mistakes on the road, so I guess setting up this idiot drivers report website and listing out the offences of the drivers, which could well be ourselves anyway, would help us be more considerate when we are behind the wheels.

Someone please help me to set up a website? m(_ _)m

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