Friday, October 8, 2010

iPod Touch

I have been thinking of getting a birthday present for myself.
I don't know what I like.

I don't like cosmetics, not a fashionista, not a tech-savvy...
My list has gone from a pair of good hiking shoes... few months ago
to a Dilbert's everyday comic calendar... few weeks ago
to an iPod Touch... few days ago

I striked out the hiking shoes, because I hardly ever hike in Malaysia. None of the people around me likes outdoor activities in Malaysia, in fact. So I got to grow pounds and pounds of weights sitting around doing nothing.

Dilbert is cute, but I don't want the whole political office coming to my desk everyday to read the comics. Though that may be a good idea to initiate the conversation a little... but I am not looking forward to socialise a lot with a number of nosy geese in that office.

I am still trying to find a reason to get an iPod. I mean, I stopped listening to musics for ages, life in Malaysia has been too hectic to appreciate good musics. Though it seems cheap to buy movies, songs and books via iTunes in USA, it would be expensive when I bring it back to Malaysia. Besides, I don't have wifi at home, and internet connection in Malaysia sucks big time.

Stuck in the driver's position in the traffic jam does not grant me the freedom to surf net. Though I could listen to some musics, but it would bring it back to my first point -- expensive to purchase musics via iTunes from Malaysia.

The main reason I wanted to buy iPod Touch was because of the Facetime. But with the lousy internet connection in Malaysia, I seriously wonder if it works there. So it boils down to the feasibililty of utilising iPod Touch's capabilities when I brought it home in a few months time.

I guess my quest for the birthday present continues...

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