Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crazy Couple

OK, I thought it was my colleague's gf that was crazy enough to send me the nonsense email. I obviously forgotten that it takes two hands to clap.

I created a pdf copy of that crazy woman's email, and send it to my colleague, hoping he would take over from there. Then I got this from him:


I think there has been a misunderstanding between all of us. I think this general confusion was initially created by our trip to the Rockies. I was in a relationship, I still am, and I just would like to clarify this.

Have a good start into 2011.


I was unhappy about his sly reply, which makes me look bad. I wrote this to both of them:

D and T,

D, the reason I forwarded your partner's email to you instead of replying to her, is because I don't think I have anything to do between you two.
The clarification below is devious. I know you are in relationship since the first day of knowing you. I don't think there is any misunderstanding between us.
I always treat you as a colleague, and was grateful for your help. It is strictly professional, which I don't think there is anything to explain about.

To T, it is rude and disrespectful to initiate such allegation. If you were sincere in your relationship, you should have confronted your partner and have confidence in yourself, instead of sending harassment email to your partner's colleague.
You have also put a bad image to yourself by disrespecting your partner's privacy, and insulting his colleague.

I do not want to be involved in any discussion between the two of you, and certainly do not want to be disturbed again by receiving anything senseless in the future.

I dare not hope for an apology, and I kinda feel that there would be some continuation from this, because I am dealing with two lunatics now.

Though I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I am getting a little panaroid now with my interactions among other colleagues.

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