Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First time driving in snow

It started snowing since Saturday night, through Sunday until now. Nonstop.
I drove the first time in snow on Sunday. It was a short distance, the snow wasn't thick, my car skid a little when I made a 90 degree turn, but was managable.

It got worse this morning, when I need to drive about 15km to go to the mechanic's shop to have my engine oil change. It took me more than 1 hour to get there.

My car skid a few times, because I didn't know how fast I should drive. The brake hardly works when it gets about 40mph. I had to quickly switch lane so that I don't bump into the car in front of me. Also, when big truck drove pass me, I could feel that my car skid a little.

Things that I took for granted in Malaysia got to me now. Windshield wiper, I never thought they could stick onto the screen so tight.

Water on the windshield could freeze in seconds that it actually scratched my wiper rubber.

Air conditioning becomes so valuable at this time, because it helps the back of my car to stay clear. (I don't have a wiper at the back)

Can't see the road, can't see divider, can't stop properly, can't drive straight well enough. The pond behind the office was frozen since November and it is now covered with snow. I wonder if anyone would think it is a flat land.

The snow was about 4 inches thick this afternoon, I think it will get thicker tomorrow. Worse thing is, since the ice on the car melted halfway when I drove it, it is going to get harder when it re-freeze tonight. I am starting to think if I should walk to work tomorrow.

May be I have gotten used to the temperature here, I don't feel that cold. I never experienced less than -3degC before, and I was outside when it was -11C these few days... I guess without wind-chill effect, things become more bearable.


kevin said...

WOW!! Nice... Cool.. (or rather COLD!!). Enjoy the experience and drive carefully. Have a safe drive.

JW said...

I would like to see how it looks like. Can camera work at that extreme temperature?