Monday, January 3, 2011

Crazy women

When I first came to Kansas, I met a great colleague from Germany. He gave me some help in adjusting to the life here. Though it was minal stuff for him, I am very grateful for his help, and we became friends since then. We kept in touch after he left Kansas, on work and off work, occassionally.

I sent him a few lines before Christmas, wished him happy birthday and merry Christmas. And this is what I got on the second day of the new year (I deleted the names mentioned in the email) :

I am D´s girlfriend from Germany. We are more than four years together. Now I see that you communicate via mail with him. I have visited him in March/ April in Kansas. We were together in Chicago. During my Kansas visit, I met many of his colleagues and friends, but dont heard your Name before, I cann´t remember. So who are you, what are your intentions? Please explain me where and when you met him,
I hope for your honest answer

Happy new Year and
Best Regards

I pity this colleague. His gf apparently was checking his personal emails, I hope she is not controlling his life.

I think she should learn to respect her bf and his friends, have some faith in herself and her relationship, and learn to be more matured -- just because her bf are friends with other females, doesn't mean that there is something going on.

It can also proof that she is all about herself, because if she really loves him, she should have known that harassing his colleague risks jeopardising his career and reputation.

I originally wanted to reply to her email, but experiences told me that would only create more nonsense, so I decided to ignore it. There is nothing going on between us, which I felt that there is really nothing I need to explain, especially to a stranger that wrote a rude email to me.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I met this kind of women, but she is the first one that puts things in black and white. In fact, I met women like this when I was studying:

Some of my guy friends' gfs got so worked up, they started brain washing my friends, and eventually I lost these guy friends. Some called to question me for spending time with their bfs after school. I can't even attend one of my friend's wedding due to his bride. I'm warning you girls who want to study mechanical engineering, this is one of the many shits you would get.

In fact these things occurred to me even when I was in high school. I knew this guy through inter-school activities and his sister was my junior. He used to picked his sister up after school and hung out in our club room while waiting. We shared some common views and chit chat a lot.

Unfortunately, I was stalked and bad mouthed by the girls from his school. One of them threatened me not to get close to him. I questioned him for the malicious rumours spread in his school about me, because I thought it was him that initiated it, otherwise who else would know me from his school? He didn't react, so I guess technically we didn't quarrel, but he looked very disappointed. I avoided him out of anger, distrust and fear from those girls. I eventually lost contact with him. A few years later, I heard from someone that he passed away due to leukemia. I regretted for not trusting and not having confidence in the friendship, and listened to those strangers' words.

I was naive by answering to these hostile confrontations honestly when I was young, but I won't acknowledge these nonsense anymore. Because there is nothing anyone could do to instill trusts between a couple.

To those guys that avoided me because of these women, you have no balls. To the girls that does these nonsense, you are mental.

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