Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year 2009

It has already entered second week of 2009. I have been really busy since returning to work after Xmas until today... (Well, practically speaking, today haven't started yet, so perhaps I am speaking too soon...)

Last week, the first week of January has been really taxing, as I have conference call in the early morning for three consecutive days. It means that I had to leave home as early as 6am to drive to the office. I had to work late as well, the average time I left office last week was 6pm. The work load after the calls were pouring down. That one week time felt like a month when I look back now.

Anyway, I have a few new year resolutions this year... first looking back on 2008. These were what I aimed to achieve for 2008:

1. Learn to adapt this country without losing my temper, which include
Don't shout or show fingers when I met any crazy-stupid-nonsensical-driver-who-think-that-he/she-owns-the-road; (Failed, but showed a lot of improvements, looking at where I started.)

don't complain so much about the traffic, the social norm, the public toilets, the flood, the electricity and internet constant distruptions (don't even think about speed), the corruptions, the politics, the economy, the inefficiencies and the petrol. (Can't help it, complain is my nature, without it, I don't have the heart to survive)

(OK, I was told to clarify this: I didn't wind down the window to scold on the other drivers. By drivers-who-think-he/she-owns-the-road, i mean those who speed so fast yet like to drive in and out of lanes, people who never stopped for others, people who double parked you the moment you went into the car started the engine, people who tail you so close and people who their hands permanently glued onto the car horn.)

2. Get something better from what I have now. (I think I have done pretty well on this for 2008)

3. Save some money and time to go to gym, I need to vent my frustraions in a better way, running on the machine is one of the many ways. I would love to go mountain climbing and jungle trekking... but heck, I can't find any kakis. (I joinned the gym in July, and cancelled the membership in December. I tried going for the gym as regular as I can, but I find it really hard to go there straight after work, cause I usually feel extremely exhausted after work.)

4. Learn to socialise the female ways, that include talking about kids and educations, fashion and bargains, husband's job and groceries, recipe sharing and ways to stay slim... I can talk about social issues, economics, gadgets, technologies and BS like a guy, but I really don't know how to talk to girls, except my high school friends. (Failed to certain extend. I have decided not to change myself to suit for others too much. )

5. Learn to adapt the attention from others, that include questions like "how old are you?", "how much you earn?", "why do u get a PhD?", "why aren't you getting married yet?", "don't you love your bf?"... etc... (Shown improvements, but need to work more on it.)

So basically that's what I have done for last year. This year,

1. I am hoping to start learning violin.
2. I need to go to swim more regularly. The reason I cancelled the gym was because it wasn't very effective at all, and it is very expensive. The economy down turn has made me want to keep some cash, and spend wisely.
3. I am hoping to get a cleaner face... the polution, the stress has made my face filled with pimples... TT_TT
4. I have to work on my confidence.
5. Try to be more of a lady than ladette. (Somehow I have a bad feeling that I won't score well on this)
6. I want an increment on my salary...

It is about time to start work... I will add in some later... Sigh, I still haven't posted my HK trip second part. -________-

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