Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hong Kong Trip Part 1/2

Should have done this post long time ago... Anyway, here it is, my trip to HK.

I visited most of the places with my friend F, only the last day was with R, my ex-housemate during university time.

Me and F went to ocean park in HK, it was filled with people, and I have experienced the oh-so-famous-Chinese-queue-cutting, over and over again. Now I wish to declare, that I don't have anything against the Mainland Chinese, I just want to express my frustration when dealing with the tourist in HK that were from Mainland China, in this article. (Don't ask me how I know they are from Mainland, it is the same as to those who can differentiate people from different countries in the Europe. If I were to talk about how to differentiate people, it would be another entry already.)

We saw this star-fish which seemed to have gone through a catastrophic fall from somewhere...

The aquarium area was filled with tourist, most of them were from China. We could hardly get close to the display area to see the marine creatures. Most important of all, they like to use the pushing method to "move" you away. There was also no respect of personal space, as people will just put their hands underneath your arms to take pictures from the display screen. Also people will put their head over your shoulders to see things.

This is one of the shot for the sea-lion (?), making its turn. I can't seem to differentiate all these creatures, they all look very similar... -___-"

We then went to the marine show, again, lots of people are taking more than one seat, one is for their bottom, one is for their handbag and shopping bags. I found that very inconsiderate.

Anyway, the show was good, and to see the seals and dolphins doing their stunts are so amazing. Pardon my lousy camera, I can't seem to get any picture better than this...

Before we left for the day, we went to see the four pandas that was given to HK. Again, lots of people surrounding in front of the display area, I was taking the photos from one level above.

When it was our turn to see the panda, again, we were squeezed. Anyway, the overall experience of the ocean park was good. We also took some of those exciting flying machines to experience the adneraline rush. ^_^
For the rest of the days, we went to several places, here are some pictures taken at Tsim Sa Zui, The Central, taking tram across the WanChai etc.

This picture shows how intimate those office buildings are in the Central. I was on the tram while taking this picture.

This shows how much space you have between the tram and the roadside stalls. Again, I was on the tram, second deck.

A typical HK street.

A general view of The Central. Day time.

This is a view of The Central at night before the light show begins. My camera can't seem to capture the night view properly...

We took the ferry from Tsim Sa Zui to Central twice, and I managed to take a picture of the ferry at night at the Christmas day after we crossed over to the Central.

This is a view in the underground station, it reminded me of London so much, except that the people here are shorter, walks faster, and louder.

One thing I noticed in the underground / common public transport is --
In UK, people generally read while they are travelling in the underground / train / bus;
In HK, people generally take cat naps;
In Taiwan, people generally taking care of their appearance;
In Malaysia, people generally just stare into the blank.
It somewhat tells me the life of the people in the cities.

That's all for now, I will update on my trip to NgongPeng Buddha, Walk down the SaiGong, The Peak and Stanley in the next entry.

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