Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It has been announced by our VP few months ago, that there will be a retrenchment around Easter time.

I was told by one of the colleague in Singapore two weeks ago, that there will be something major in two weeks time.

The VP has travelled outside the US HQ, and around the world, to many of the offices in different countries to send the message of the retrenchment. He arrived today.

Three person from my office's Sales department got retrenched, without any notice given, they left the office during lunch hour, and were told to come back to the office to pack their stuffs on Friday -- the Labour Day.

I find the way these three colleagues were treated today was very bad. Two of them were having bad performance, so I won't say much; but what happened to the other one was rather unfair, to many of us.

She has been working in the company for more than a decade, she has been trying to improve herself, she shows responsibilities of what she does, and do what is sensible. But she lost her battle to Ir. Decamouth and Mr. Big, and Mr. Cockroach has contributed to the after effects. We already see this coming onto her since about a month ago, she sensed it too.

Today's incident has shown me a lot of true faces among the colleagues, particularly Ir. Decamouth and Mr. Big. The whole sales department left only three person now -- Decamouth, Big and Miss Jaunejade. Ms Jaunejade, has been reporting to Big since long time ago.

Rumours said that there will be another re-structuring of the organisation, but with only 20 people left in the company now, I guess there really isn't much to re-structure.

The atmosphere in the office today is very quiet, I don't receive an email at all. All the senior managers have been busy dealing with this VP. I guess the VP is also having a shit task, to have to travel around the world to deliver this bad news...

Anyway, we were warned today, by the VP and our MD -- Don't make any mistake for the remaining of the year. I hope I have not overlooked anything in those projects...............

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chinese knots and violin

I have been thinking of a way to personalise my music stand, so here it is, an attempt to make a violin out of Chinese knots.
I have made this yesterday, just before going to bed, it took me about 1.5 hours. Did some minor tuning and applied a layer of thin glue over it just now. Waiting for it to dry up, before I can tie it onto my music stand.
It is not perfect, but I am so out of finger nails to improve it further.

Monday, April 27, 2009

How much strength do I need?

I have typed out an entry yesterday and it disappeared when I wanted to publish.

I have a very nonsense day today, so I really need some positive charge now. So I decided to re-write my thoughts.

As my violin class is organised by Tzu Chi Organisation, each of us needs to prepare a short presentation based on the Jing Si Aphorisms.

The theme for yesterday was something along the line -- Good hearts always get good days.

It kept me thinking, it is hard to have a positive / good hearts at all time. I am an utterly pessimistic person. Before anything can take place, I would spend all my energy to think of what could have gone bad, and started to plan for it.

To me, good things come as a bonus, I shouldn't feel worry for a bonus; but I don't want to get caught up with bad situation unprepared. I feel that it is my duty to be prepared at all time, cause bad things can happen anytime, any place. I feel guilty to be happy and relax, I feel sinful to enjoy. My bow is pulled so tense, that I am prepared to release the arrows whenever the war starts.

I also feel that it is bad to acknowledge my own credits, cause it will usually bring more attentions to myself, and hence more bad things can happen. Whenever there is a good thing happening, I tried to keep it away from as many people as possible. I do not know how to carry myself when people acknowledge me; be it genuine, or sour grapes, I feel out of place to hear all these, and do not know how to carry myself with what I deserved.

I have been surviving in hell because of all these negative thoughts.

One person inspired me a lot these days -- Kate Winslet -- she has prepared herself since young for the day she gets her Oscar prize. It has made me think, that good things do need preparation; and it certainly worth more preparations compare to the bad ones.

Why should I pay so much attention trying to avoid the dog poo hidden underneath the autumn leaves, and missed the beautiful sceneries of the Fall? I may not even step onto one anyway; even if I do, I still didn't miss the beautiful sceneries, right?

I am now struggling in a pool of sewage water, I really hope to get out of this soon. Do you think I can find some diamonds in this pool of sewage? I must change my focus, onto something else, so that I won't get so bothered with the foul smell, and the shyte of the surrounding... I must get myself comfortable, so that others will jealous over my chance to swim in the sewage water.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Violin Lesson 7

It is not often that I have some uplifted spirits with me. So I decided to jot it down before it wandered off.

But somehow, when I finished typing the whole entry........... it disappeared.

Anyway, I will patch up with this post one day...

Meanwhile, we were taught to differentiate Major and Minor today, and revised some of the basics.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A compilation of strange stories in my office

Case #1

It was recently being noticed by our HR, that our electronic projector is missing. Our HR assistant Ms. Ajinomoto has been searching ups and downs for it, but found nothing.

We had some discussions with Ms. Ajinomoto while she was searching high and low, that the last time we seen the projector was during the global staff meeting in February.

The next day, Mr. Woodchild came into the office. The HR manager asked him to search, this time, Mr. Woodchild came to all of our desks and open our drawers without asking for permission. This is my conversation with Mr. Woodchild:

Woodchild came over to my desk while I was busy checking drawings, he pulled my drawer, and found that it is locked, "How come your drawer is locked?"
Me, "What are you doing?"
Woodchild, "I am doing spot check, for the missing projector."
Me jokingly said, "Do you have a search warrant?"
Woodchild, "Why do I need one? You don't allow me to check, it means you are hiding something."

I opened the drawer eventually, just so that he will go away and let me continue doing my work. He walked over to my colleague's desk, pulled the drawing while that colleague was on the phone.

Woodchild, "How come I can't open your drawer?"
colleague, "It is locked, of course you can't open it. What are you doing?"
Woodchild, "I want to spot check you all, to see if you have taken the projector."
colleague, "The projector had been missing for months, if I were to steal it, do you think I will keep it in the office until today?"
Woodchild, "Why you all like to lock your drawers one? Just open and let me check lah..."

This spot check had led to many unhappy voices behind the management. But no one raised it to the HR...

Case #2

Our logistics lady complained that she can't access to the www this morning. She came over to engineering department to ask around, our side has no problem on the connection. I went to her desk to check her connection and cable, no problem found.

She proceed to call Mr. Woodchild, Woodchild told her that it was our MD's instruction that no one should access to the internet. She was upset to hear this, as her jobs require her to track the shipment from the internet, and obviously it was only her computer that was having the problem.

When Mr. Woodchild come to the office, she challenged him to repeat what he said over the phone. Mr. Woodchild said, "It is P&C, I can't say it."

The logistic lady then questioned Woodchild for what she had done wrong to be banned from the internet. Woodchild ignored her, and stomped away. (I witnessed the whole process)

Later during the day, before lunch, HR manager came to us and asked all of us to gather in the meeting room for urgent announcement:

The MD announced that, the server in our China regional office is suffering from the load, mainly due to the colleagues in China are misusing the internet. Our MD decided to cut our access to the www, in order to be put into the "list of suspect", when the IT director from China takes the investigation.

To me, this can get back-fired. Anyway, I then asked when will we get back the connection to the www? He said, "It could be within a week, or forever, I don't know. "

Our MD carried on to say that our work doesn't require us to access the www very frequent, therefore a public computer, which can be used to access to the www, will be set up in a common area.

However, during the execution of the MD's announcement, Mr. Woodchild proceed to terminate all our connections, before set up the public computer. Therefore, a lot of our work are hanging in the middle.

For myself, I often use the internet to check up the design standards and codes, checking my spellings while writing letters, and browsing for vendors' catalogues. Now that we don't have the convinience, I have to think of other ways to get things done.

Case #3

Same day today, after the announcement of "No More WWW" was made, our HR sent our a memo, with the contents basically saying:

"You can't pack lunch to the office, for the whole of next week, because our VP will be visiting our office on Wednesday afternoon. So that our office will look clean and tidy."

"All files and folders should not be left on the table, so that your working area are not messy."

WTH? I didn't know packing lunch can make office dirty and messy, we have a pantry area anyway.

WTHx2? Our desks are small enough, we are doing real work here, papers always pile up faster than you can clear them, files and folders opened for reference. Our A3 drawing is already taking up the whole space! The closest filing cabinet is about 2m behind my desk. Do I have to go there and come back everytime I need a file?

Seriously, if I were the VP, I would ask those people who has clean desks during work, "Have you just reported to work today?"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Violin Lesson 6

My A string broke, twice in a day, last week. So I didn't manage to practise much, as in changing string -- from G to A, and didn't practise A, B, C#, D.

So I have suffered in lesson 6, as we tried to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. My bow kept touching other strings, my fingers not in the right place, out of tune, out of beat, everything comes together, I pulled some really horrible sound.

I went to an orchestra with my bf last night, that was his first time attending such event. I was very tired last night, but managed to pull through the session. I couldn't really appreciate the music with such tired brain, but my eyes were trying to follow the fingers and bow of the first violinist.

I went to buy a music stand after arriving to the class today. The piece, even after folding up, is pretty heavy. I am trying to think of a way to carry it to the class next time.

Guess for this coming week, I will have to practise more, and relax more. I feel that I am going to break like the violin string anytime soon.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I received a phone call from my ex-colleague last week, not long after I was transferred to the project department.

She called me up to see if I am interested to return to the education arena. I agreed to meet up after work. The main reason I agreed is because I wanted to meet up with her, as an old friend. She has arranged me to meet up with the engineering head.

So the meeting was set yesterday after work, but it was further postponed to today morning, which is better for me, as it is easier for me to travel from my house to the meeting venue.

I am not prepared to return to academic and education after spending about a year building myself in the industries. Though I am very passionate about academic field, I think I am not ready to enter the education line just yet.

The chat with the future dean of the faculty made me feel very uplifted. We share a lot of similarities, as in the path that we have gone through, and our view of life. He is only a few years older than myself.

I told him about things that I want to do -- to bring in more females into and stay in the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) field. I have always thought that it could only be done in education line, but I guess my assistance from the industrial side may do some good too.

There weren't any outcome in the meeting, as I am not prepared to take up any immediate tasks. But I felt happy, as I have shared my views and dreams to someone who has the potential may carry it.

The sunshine on this weekend suddenly became so warm.

This is another story, nothing to do with the one above.

I have been involving more and more tasks while staying in the project department. I have learned some stuffs off Mr. Cockroach. I have to say, though he is a person who tries his best to cover himself, and avoid responsibilities, he has remarkable skills for tracking things.

He taught me how to organise my own emails, letters, records etc. These things may come natural for some, but I have often felt overwhelmed by the amount of information that I have to process everyday. The challenge I face now, is that my information are too vast and too brief.

I am a newbie in the company, not much of working experience, therefore my tasks are mainly general roles, and I got involved in a little bit of everything. It is a good thing for gathering experience, but no good when you try to organise your information.

Some projects were forwarded to me, and I only received one email regarding the whole span of that project. Do you open a folder for that one file? Sounds kinda stupid, but I still do it.

The other problem is, I am involving in two departments, but both serving same project. I tried to split the files between engineering and project... sometimes the line is just too vague.

Anyway, still a long way to go, I shall learn as much as I can, try staying positive, and become stronger.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Women In Engineering

I have had a thought of gathering all my female friends, who are involved in science, engineering and technology to share some experience of their professional working life. But I have been too busy with my own life, that I couldn't manage the circle after setting it up on the facebook. My friend passed me a link of project management, just before I went for a project meeting this afternoon. I was feeling very down since receiving the notice yesterday regarding this meeting. I know nothing about this project, and yet I was told that I need to take this opportunity to clarify our supply scope with these gang of contractors. I knew I will be screwed by many people.

So anyway, when I read about the link that my friend gave, it seems like a very cinematic plot for project management. It seems like another world of project management to me. The project management that I have seen after joining in for about two weeks, is chaotic, fire-fighting everyday, dealing with all kind of people, more importantly -- various skill levels of pushing the responsibilities away.

I have to face many situations within a day, but I do not know how to act upon them. I am either too rough or too soft. What the link have mentioned is very true -- female needs a role model more than male. Then I started thinking if there is any female that I would want to follow, who are involved in technical field and carrying themselves well.

I find none.

I have been constantly pushed down by people around me, saying that I can't do well in engineering. Some said that I am too soft to excel in project management, other said that I will not survive long in engineering. I even heard of people telling me that the reason they gave me all these negative things, is because they want to support me from another angle -- worst encouragement of all I tell you.

One thing I learned so far, you must not cry when you are facing difficulties, no matter how depressing it is, no matter how unfair it is, you must not cry. Because, guys can take it two ways -- some will take you as a weak person, that they want to protect you. In this case, you will never get to learn anything from this person anymore. Others will take you as weak person too, but they will take you as someone that they do not want to be associated with, because you are not macho enough. In this case, you will get trouble working with them.

Another thing I learned, you must not show fear. Men are macho animals, they don't like to show their softer side to others. Once you are with them, and you show your fear, it is as if you are hidden among a pack of wolves, and suddenly the wolves realised that you are the prey.
Working in a male dominant environment often made me feel that I am neither male nor female, I am upset not because of the work, not really because of the idiots I am forced to deal with, but because I do not know how to carry myself appropriately.

Shall I scold vulgar languages while trying to get those silly mistakes sorted from the construction site?
Shall I act detached when all the contractors are squeezing themselves to look at the laptop screen for information?
At what volume shall I speak so that others will listen to me, and will not take it as if I am mad?
Shall I push my head across the whole bunch of tall shoulders to see the drawings on the meeting table?
Shall I lean across the meeting table, like what the other guys are doing, to point at the drawing details while explaining it? (In this case, I am not worried about the breasts, but the trouser. Cause female trousers, that I can afford to buy, are usually low-rise; and the female shirts are damn short, you can't tuck in!)

It should be easy as there are no role models for me, so I have all the freedom to create a model for myself. However, the social norms are there, it is hard to break through it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Violin Lesson 5

It has been raining, I went for the once a month voluntary work in the morning, violin lesson afternoon, and have been feeling really tired after starting my assignment in the project department for only a week.

One of my violin classmate decided to terminate her lesson, due to work load. Two of the other classmates can't make it for today due to the weather. There were only six of us including the teacher.

I realised some physical constraints of my fingers, and my technique to press the strings, I hope I can improve on that. The teacher taught us to play with A string, and some variations.

We were told to buy a music stand. I wonder if I need to carry that to study every weekend... It is going to be troublesome.

I have changed a lot of my habits since picking up the violin -- from cutting my finger nails so deep into the skin, that the skin underneath the nails are shrinking inwards; carrying an umbrella no matter where I go, so that the violin doesn't get wet; having very ugly fingers that peels off all the time; picking every 15-20 minutes chance whenever I can to play the violin.

I wonder if the determination will fade off one day. Just like how I feel about working these days.
I love this job, I love this company, but I dislike the management. I dislike the fact that people put more effort to push their responsibilities away than getting the work done; I dislike the lies that told by people blatantly in front of me; I hate that I have to let the obvious mistake fermant; I hate to always have to give ways; I don't know what kind of attitude must I have to face these social issues. Call me stupid, cause I really don't have any social intelligence, to act appropriately under each circumstances.

I hate people telling me do whatever I can, or try my best. Because I know I can do a lot of things, and my best is yet to be used. But the fact is, in life, quite often, you don't need to do what you can, and you don't need to do your best. Because it will only push you deeper into the quicksand. I don't know when do I have to be honest, and when do I have to do my best.

How much determination must I have in order to pull through the journey into music? How much determination must I have in order to succeed in my career? How much determination must I have in order to stay alive?

After the voluntary work this morning, I somehow feel that life is so vulnerable, so fragile and so sick, but why are we still fighting to stay alive? Fight of flight, I guess I have used up all my energy to fight, that now, I only want to flee away from all problems, sleep and never awake again. I am too tired...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Charlie's Angels

The reason I am in the project department is due to two reasons:

1. On of our job requires a full time project engineer and a site supervisor to be placed there. So our one and only project engineer went there.

2. We have two pregnant ladies in the project / operation department. One of them, Mrs. Azreal, is due soon, the next one -- the procurement lady, will due in June.

At the moment, the whole project department is supported by three females -- Mrs. Azreal, the cost engineer, and myself. We all know bits of the knowledge of the projects, blame the project management since long ago, it is impossible to trace things. Therefore, we have phone calls to the project engineer very often.

During on of the tele-conference, there were all 3 of us, surrounding the meeting table, talking to the speaker phone. I suddenly reminded me of The Charlie's Angels, who usually reports to Charlie over the radio-like transmitter.

So there it is, our company has got 3 Charlie's Angels now, solving all sorts of impossible tasks left over since long ago, tackling all sorts of unrealistic promises made by the sales department, chasing after and being chased after by others.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Best Sales of The Year

The project department received a quotation from the sales department this morning, it was directed to Mrs. Azreal. The email wrote this:

Mrs. Azreal,



Thanks to the sub-ordinate of Mr. Paramount, I don't know what kind of thing is that. What quotation is that email referring to?

I think many people has mistaken Ir. Decamouth and Mr. Paramount. The reason I called this sales manager Mr. Paramount, is because he is huge body size, and he thinks that he is the most important person in the company after our MD. I guess may be calling him Mr. Big would do better. So from now on, Mr. Paramount will be replaced by the name Mr. Big; and Mr. Bell has already been replaced with the name: Mr. Cockroach.

The next incident is regarding Mr. Big himself. He handed over a job to the project department, without knowing where is the job site, despite visited the place a few times. He does not have an address of the job site.

He also handed over a job to project department, without stating to the customer what is our scope of supply, and what is not our scope of supply.

He is also very good in changing story, here's the conversation over a meeting between sales and project:

Due to the quality of the product manufactured by our factory in other country, we decided to buy some extra hardware to patch up for those anticipated problems. I wanted to inform the sales department regarding this matter, in order for them to take into consideration while doing pricing for this line of product in the future.

(We have no control over the quality of the product, as the factory and our office are not taken as a same entity. Their MD insists that their product is top notch and refused to improve; only the HQ in the USA would be able to take the action, god knows when....)

me, "The engineering department has advised that extra hardware are needed for this job. They are...."

Mr. Big, "Why can't our factory give us these extra hardware? If we need to order these things, it will eat into our margin. We don't need these hardware."

me, "As you may have noticed, that factory of ours does not think that there is a problem for the product assembly at site. They claimed that their product is up to the standard has have always been refusing to supply these extra hardwares."

Mr. Big, "Yeah, now you know that our product is crappy, I don't know how they can manufacture these things. They should improve the products, and these hardware are important, so that we can ensure our quality is not compromised."

I was like, huh?! "As I have mentioned, the feedback from engineering department is that these hardwares are compulsory. We should take this into consideration next time."

"Ok, you should already order these hardware, since you already know we need it. You are wasting my time here."


This is another snap shot of the meeting:

me, "I need to know if there is a shut down period for us to adhere during the installation of the product."

Mr. Big, "Why can't you install the damn thing while the plant is still running?"

"We can do that, we just need to know if they have a shut down period."

"You don't need to know that." said Mr. Big.

"We need to know when does the client plan to have these things installed. And if they plan to do it during a shut down period, if there is one, then we should know." I said.

"Ok, Mrs. Azreal, have you jotted that down? I need to you check that for me." said Mr. Big.
(Mrs. Azreal is in project department, Mr. Big is ordering her to do things from Sales department, which does not make sense... Anyway, Mrs. Azreal ignored him and said that he should refer to his subordinates instead.)

"You see? You see? You project department are so good in pushing your tasks to us. We are only here to get sales, how the fnck do we know about the installation? ..." Mr. Big continues his finger pointing. I was trying to interupt by saying the reason we wanted to know the shut down, and also trying to understand if there are any working restrictions in the plant etc. I couldn't get the message over, as I was constantly yelled over by his complaints.

Eventually, Mr. Cockroach took over his conversation, and they sorted those issues out more or less.


We are not playing sands, there is a process to follow for everything that we are doing, be it casted onto the stones or not. The reason for these processes to exist is for the ease of tracing back in the future. I think we need to get things clear before jumping into the execution of the project.

People prefer things to be done to their likings, and if you are opposing in a way, they take it to heart, and you do not get the cooperations in the future. Everyone wants to be Mr. and Ms. Goodie-two-shoes, nobody wants/cares to get the job done properly.

I guess I am making more enemies in the company by days. I am starting to wonder, what is right and what is wrong. Is it right to let people do the wrong thing? Is it wrong to get people doing the right thing?

half week

As of now, I am officially half week into the Project Dpt.

I have encountered a lot more things, that made me started doubting myself.

Incident #1 Mr. Woodchild

Mr. Longarrow has left the company, with a list of files and folders all named after dates. Some of the projects I am undertaking now are legacy jobs since Mr. Longarrow's time. I requested the access to Mr. Longarrow's email via our IT guy -- Mr. Woodchild.

I gave Mr. Woodchild my computer and mailbox passwords, he done the job, and left the passwords on my table.

I came back saw those passwords there, after a few failed attempts to change my computer password, I approached Mr. Woodchild for help. Mr. Woodchild, without understanding the issue, said that he will do it, but in fact went to the HR to launch a complaint against me.

HR asked me into the office for an one-to-one investigation, regarding Mr. Woodchild felt insulted that I did not trust him with my passwords. I explained the reason I wanted to change the password was due to it being exposed.

HR wanted me to apologise to Mr. Woodchild for the miscommunication, I did that, but I feel WTF. I also explained to him the reason I wanted to change the password, and mentioned that if he doesn't feel happy about doing his job, or unhappy about my request, he should confront me face to face, rather than doing it this way.

One thing I found out while the HR was questioning me, it was due to slipped of mouth from the HR, that Mr. Woodchild has hold his feelings against me since the incident of Mr. Longarrow. I tried asking for more information, but HR realised she had said too much, and stopped telling anything more.


Incident #2 Mr. Pig

I checked the project schedule for Project S, realised that we are one week behind the schedule, and that Mr. Pig needs to speed up with the drawing.

Since this project is not particularly in rush, so I have the luxury to adjust the schedule a little, so I asked Mr. Pig to give me a comfortable date that he can work out the outstanding items.

His first answer was: "As soon as possible lor." ("lor" is an expressive language, usually carries relax tone, which at times can sound irresponsible.)

"What about within this two weeks, do you think you can come out something? You have two items now, choose one and pick a date; we will sort out the other one after this."

"Like that ar... this week lor."

"This week, when?"

"Friday lor..."

I was really annoyed by his response, and he usually send things out at 5pm, I requested him to give me a time. Mr. Pig then got mad, "How do I know when can I finished?"

"You have been drawing for 7 years, I am asking you to give me a comfortable estimated date for this item to be finished, and you said you can't do that?"

"Then you set a date for me lor."

"You said Friday, I give you until Monday 10am, don't you give me reasons for delay. Now, next item, when can you finish?"

"I don't know. The next Friday may be. But I won't check my work if you want it so soon."

"Ok, next Friday, I give you until that following Monday 12pm. You should have enough time to check your work, I do not want unnecessary mistakes."

I was upset by his lack of responsibilities and no sense of urgency. I know my approach may be over the board for that moment. I shall improve on that.


Incident #3 Procurement lady

I have been busy checking the packing list against the purchase order during the first two days in the project department. I find that I am really short handed, and requested for help. I approached the procurement lady, as she is the one who raised the PO, so naturally she would be the most suited person for this job.

"But this is not my job!" said the procurement lady.

"Well, we need to check if what we buy is really what is sent."

"The people will know when the items reached to the site." said the procurement lady.

"That would be too late, would you mind helping?"

"Well, the packing list is not my things, it belongs to the logistics lady, I don't think I should do it."

"I come to you because you raised the PO, I think you should know the content better than anyone. We can split all these lists."

"I have many things to do, I will only help when I am free."

I was really mad at her answer. Her only job is to raised the PO, the chasing for delivery are all done by the logistics. To be frank, I have better things to do. A person who raised the PO doesn't check on what is being sent by the supplier, whose responsibilities when there are short shipments? No wonder the project department always facing short shipment problems.

Not to mention that when engineering department gave her the bill of materials to be ordered, she just passed that email over without reading it. You can check that from the moment that email is received and sent (and CC to all of us) out.


I am not going to talk more than recording the conversations.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not feeling well

I have not been feeling well over the past two weeks, it gets worse for these two days. But I am not weak enough to fall sick, I just feel fatigue and need some good rests.

I know I need to give myself a break, but I don't want to take the annual leave, because I don't want to waste it for such things. Instead, I guess medical leave would fit better. However I can't see the doctor for being fatigue, I won't be granted a medical certificate to take the leave.

My fatigue started off by having a slower brain, I take longer time to finish some simple things, it gets worse over the two weeks, and eventually I made mistakes and cannot judge a situation well enough to react appropriately, forgetful, my mind gets jumbled up, can't talk or write fluently. Yet I haven't fallen sick yet, I couldn't ask for a medical leave.

I then lost my sleep, have constipation, can't focus on anything and feel down. It got so bad yesterday that I was "floating" around when I walk. I decided to stuff myself with food to gain enough energy to pull through the day, and eventually I got nausea, and need to see the doctor for the bloated stomach. She did not want to grant me a medical certificate for a half-day leave until I told her a couple of times that I felt dizzy and couldn't walk properly.

I went back to office, passed that medical cert. and came home during lunch time, slept the whole day, and now I feel a little better. At least my mind is starting to gain back some of its consciousness now.

I can't help but wonder, is there a legal way I can get a day off during work, when I am feeling fatigue? I don't want to spoil my stomach like yesterday to get that half day leave, cause until now I am still suffering from the consequences.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Transfer to another department

I was called in by the MD yesterday afternoon, the instruction was out of the blue, MD told me that he has gotten the permission from my boss (who is taking a long medical leave for his knee operation) to transfer me to the project department.

This means that I will be reporting to Mr. cockroach... sigh... what's that idiom saying that your luck will change one day?

The notice was so urgent that I had to take up the task on the spot itself. Mr. cockroach, aka Mr. Bell, called for a department meeting within two hours, to brief everyone on this new arrangement. Basically the project engineer (one and only) and the site supervisor will be based for an oh-so-painful-job outstation, until it is completed (God knows when); on top of that Mrs. Azreal will be taking her maternity leave anytime soon within these two weeks; she will probably be back at the beginning of June, which then will be our procurement lady who takes her maternity. According to the MD, I will be in that department until (touch wood) July.

I felt exile from my own department for a moment there. Anyway, Mr. Cockroach doesn't seem to know what job scope does he want to give to me. I suspect that I will be taking over mainly the project engineer's job, as Mrs. Azreal's job is mainly to issue purchase request and follow up with the delivery issues.

I was given the user right to enter all project department related folders today, and started to look at their files. Man, those files were a mess! Apart from having single files dangling here and there, repeating files etc, Mr. LongArror's file were the worst -- the folders and files were named after dates.

E.g. an Excel file named 230708 consists of 10 purchase orders from various jobs to the suppliers. It is a purchase order file which he has made for that day. Note, he worked in the company for about two years... so imagine the amount of folders and files with dates...

On the face of it, Mr. Cockroach doesn't seem to care much about the action taken by the project team to resolve the issues. He is only working on the contracts, emails and documentations. The heavy load of being screwed by the customer, visiting job sites, solving the problems all fall solely on the project engineer and the site supervisor.

When I said that I don't have much street smart to act appropriately for the right place and time, asking for their patience with me... Mr. Cockroach said that they are not doing project management at all. In fact the department is only dealing with coordination between customer and supplier. The way he puts it, it reminded me of our Post Office.

To be frank, I am rather worried to work under Mr. Cockroach, because of all the previous incidents and his ally. I called my boss to verify the MD's words, my boss told me similar stories. Nonetheless, he told me not to feel overwhelmed by the things in that department.

On a different note, my colleague in the engineering department, the structural engineer have been feeling rather soury for my transfer. He mentioned a few times that why did the MD asked me to go to the project department, but not him? I did not know how to answer. I guess perhaps my work in engineering department is overlapped with my boss's, therefore becoming redundant and could be transfered, given the current situation where there isn't many new jobs to do.

I hope that I could eventually get back to engineering department, because I really enjoyed working in this department. Let's see how it goes.