Sunday, April 19, 2009

Violin Lesson 6

My A string broke, twice in a day, last week. So I didn't manage to practise much, as in changing string -- from G to A, and didn't practise A, B, C#, D.

So I have suffered in lesson 6, as we tried to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. My bow kept touching other strings, my fingers not in the right place, out of tune, out of beat, everything comes together, I pulled some really horrible sound.

I went to an orchestra with my bf last night, that was his first time attending such event. I was very tired last night, but managed to pull through the session. I couldn't really appreciate the music with such tired brain, but my eyes were trying to follow the fingers and bow of the first violinist.

I went to buy a music stand after arriving to the class today. The piece, even after folding up, is pretty heavy. I am trying to think of a way to carry it to the class next time.

Guess for this coming week, I will have to practise more, and relax more. I feel that I am going to break like the violin string anytime soon.

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