Wednesday, April 8, 2009

half week

As of now, I am officially half week into the Project Dpt.

I have encountered a lot more things, that made me started doubting myself.

Incident #1 Mr. Woodchild

Mr. Longarrow has left the company, with a list of files and folders all named after dates. Some of the projects I am undertaking now are legacy jobs since Mr. Longarrow's time. I requested the access to Mr. Longarrow's email via our IT guy -- Mr. Woodchild.

I gave Mr. Woodchild my computer and mailbox passwords, he done the job, and left the passwords on my table.

I came back saw those passwords there, after a few failed attempts to change my computer password, I approached Mr. Woodchild for help. Mr. Woodchild, without understanding the issue, said that he will do it, but in fact went to the HR to launch a complaint against me.

HR asked me into the office for an one-to-one investigation, regarding Mr. Woodchild felt insulted that I did not trust him with my passwords. I explained the reason I wanted to change the password was due to it being exposed.

HR wanted me to apologise to Mr. Woodchild for the miscommunication, I did that, but I feel WTF. I also explained to him the reason I wanted to change the password, and mentioned that if he doesn't feel happy about doing his job, or unhappy about my request, he should confront me face to face, rather than doing it this way.

One thing I found out while the HR was questioning me, it was due to slipped of mouth from the HR, that Mr. Woodchild has hold his feelings against me since the incident of Mr. Longarrow. I tried asking for more information, but HR realised she had said too much, and stopped telling anything more.


Incident #2 Mr. Pig

I checked the project schedule for Project S, realised that we are one week behind the schedule, and that Mr. Pig needs to speed up with the drawing.

Since this project is not particularly in rush, so I have the luxury to adjust the schedule a little, so I asked Mr. Pig to give me a comfortable date that he can work out the outstanding items.

His first answer was: "As soon as possible lor." ("lor" is an expressive language, usually carries relax tone, which at times can sound irresponsible.)

"What about within this two weeks, do you think you can come out something? You have two items now, choose one and pick a date; we will sort out the other one after this."

"Like that ar... this week lor."

"This week, when?"

"Friday lor..."

I was really annoyed by his response, and he usually send things out at 5pm, I requested him to give me a time. Mr. Pig then got mad, "How do I know when can I finished?"

"You have been drawing for 7 years, I am asking you to give me a comfortable estimated date for this item to be finished, and you said you can't do that?"

"Then you set a date for me lor."

"You said Friday, I give you until Monday 10am, don't you give me reasons for delay. Now, next item, when can you finish?"

"I don't know. The next Friday may be. But I won't check my work if you want it so soon."

"Ok, next Friday, I give you until that following Monday 12pm. You should have enough time to check your work, I do not want unnecessary mistakes."

I was upset by his lack of responsibilities and no sense of urgency. I know my approach may be over the board for that moment. I shall improve on that.


Incident #3 Procurement lady

I have been busy checking the packing list against the purchase order during the first two days in the project department. I find that I am really short handed, and requested for help. I approached the procurement lady, as she is the one who raised the PO, so naturally she would be the most suited person for this job.

"But this is not my job!" said the procurement lady.

"Well, we need to check if what we buy is really what is sent."

"The people will know when the items reached to the site." said the procurement lady.

"That would be too late, would you mind helping?"

"Well, the packing list is not my things, it belongs to the logistics lady, I don't think I should do it."

"I come to you because you raised the PO, I think you should know the content better than anyone. We can split all these lists."

"I have many things to do, I will only help when I am free."

I was really mad at her answer. Her only job is to raised the PO, the chasing for delivery are all done by the logistics. To be frank, I have better things to do. A person who raised the PO doesn't check on what is being sent by the supplier, whose responsibilities when there are short shipments? No wonder the project department always facing short shipment problems.

Not to mention that when engineering department gave her the bill of materials to be ordered, she just passed that email over without reading it. You can check that from the moment that email is received and sent (and CC to all of us) out.


I am not going to talk more than recording the conversations.

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