Saturday, April 18, 2009


I received a phone call from my ex-colleague last week, not long after I was transferred to the project department.

She called me up to see if I am interested to return to the education arena. I agreed to meet up after work. The main reason I agreed is because I wanted to meet up with her, as an old friend. She has arranged me to meet up with the engineering head.

So the meeting was set yesterday after work, but it was further postponed to today morning, which is better for me, as it is easier for me to travel from my house to the meeting venue.

I am not prepared to return to academic and education after spending about a year building myself in the industries. Though I am very passionate about academic field, I think I am not ready to enter the education line just yet.

The chat with the future dean of the faculty made me feel very uplifted. We share a lot of similarities, as in the path that we have gone through, and our view of life. He is only a few years older than myself.

I told him about things that I want to do -- to bring in more females into and stay in the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) field. I have always thought that it could only be done in education line, but I guess my assistance from the industrial side may do some good too.

There weren't any outcome in the meeting, as I am not prepared to take up any immediate tasks. But I felt happy, as I have shared my views and dreams to someone who has the potential may carry it.

The sunshine on this weekend suddenly became so warm.

This is another story, nothing to do with the one above.

I have been involving more and more tasks while staying in the project department. I have learned some stuffs off Mr. Cockroach. I have to say, though he is a person who tries his best to cover himself, and avoid responsibilities, he has remarkable skills for tracking things.

He taught me how to organise my own emails, letters, records etc. These things may come natural for some, but I have often felt overwhelmed by the amount of information that I have to process everyday. The challenge I face now, is that my information are too vast and too brief.

I am a newbie in the company, not much of working experience, therefore my tasks are mainly general roles, and I got involved in a little bit of everything. It is a good thing for gathering experience, but no good when you try to organise your information.

Some projects were forwarded to me, and I only received one email regarding the whole span of that project. Do you open a folder for that one file? Sounds kinda stupid, but I still do it.

The other problem is, I am involving in two departments, but both serving same project. I tried to split the files between engineering and project... sometimes the line is just too vague.

Anyway, still a long way to go, I shall learn as much as I can, try staying positive, and become stronger.

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