Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lake of Ozark on 4th July

Went to Lake of Ozark in Missouri over the long weekend. With some Malaysian friends, there is also a Singaporean and a Thai couple among us.

Each of us was responsible for specific tasks, mine was non-alcoholic drinks. I have to say the Thai couple did an amazing job by preparing all the kick-ass meals. The Singaporean guy was trying hard to shake away his Singaporean male traits, but I guess he was trying too hard. He rode with me to the lake.

I guess I was making people uncomfortable too... I was told in various occassions, that I have seen many things beyond them. And when I speak, the whole table kinda become quiet. I don't know if those were compliments or tease, I don't know if they were listening with attention or were just thinking I was boasting, and can't wait for me to finish. Based on my experience, it is almost always turned out to be the latter case. That's why I prefer to hide myself, so that I won't need to put myself under the spotlight.

Don't think I have seen many things, because there are many people who have more intriguing stories out there, and there are still a lot of things I don't know. I also find it hard to get a balance, as in, when to expose yourself, and when to keep quiet. I feel uncomfortable to expose, because I felt that people will then feel pressurised being with me. But people here kept encouraging me to be open and be myself. I guess I have not been myself often enough, it is hard to expose with tact and finesse.

We didn't see much of Ozark, mostly just chilling at the cheap lodging by the lake, drinking and playing some games. The drinking card games were really silly and funny. I wished I have seen more of the Ozark area.

On our way to the lake, I had a minor incident -- It was a sharp turn, with high speed, under a sudden decision by my passenger. So the vehicle was drifting, tyre was squeeking a little, but luckily there wasn't any car coming in any direction, and thanks to the flatness of Missouri, I didn't get any damage, drew a few lines on the highway and the rocky shoulders. I was then told by my passenger, that I should have stepped on the brake pedal and taught me how I could do it better. I was pretty offended, because I was trying my best to take control of the vehicle, due to his sudden change of mind, and myself didn't stood up to my judgement (not to turn in there). And I was later asked if I should consider letting him drive instead -- "because guys has better control of the machines". Hell no, I don't think he could do it better than myself under the same circumstances, and I don't like arrogant male touching my hot-rod.

Well, back to the trip. There is an outlet mall in Ozark, which according to the girls, is the only place in the midwest area, that has a Coach outlet. We went in there, I didn't find anything fancy, except one little green pouch. But didn't get it, because it is not something I would use often enough to spend so much -- it is way too over priced. There were lots of women grabbing those handbags as if it was free, men were sitting by the window, with prams and sulky faces. Somehow, these handbags look good with every woman, except when I slung it over my shoulder -- I don't seem sophisticated enough to carry the handbags. Sigh......

The trip to lake of Ozark has also given me some chance to see the native midwestern American lifestyle. It seems that most of them spent their holidays by the lakes -- drinking and chilling. We met a few Americans, who don't even know what is Stella Artois, they have been drinking Bud Lite all these while. I am not a good drinker, in a sense that my face turn red quickly and have low alcohol tolerance, but I am picky on the alcohol. In my humble opinion, Bacardi breezer, Leffe (blonde and brunette), Stella Artois, Heineken and Guinness are way better.

On the return trip, the same passenger rode with me, again asked to take over the wheel. I blatantly replied "I don't like people driving my car."

*Extra: I forgot to mention that the passenger was fiddling around with my navigation system, trying to make it shut up, so that he could have some quiet moments. That was how he got to become the "navigator" and led to certain "accident" I mentioned above. Not to mention that he had failed to lead us to the destination, despite proudly pronuncing that he knows his ways.

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