Sunday, November 16, 2008

100 things about myself

Since I am so bored, I am trying my luck on writing a hundred things about myself, since I never seem to write anything like that before... let's see... may be I should start with the 10% similarity I share with my ex-colleague...

1. I love the smell of freshly cut grass, smell of soil (under ultra hot sun and rainny days), rusty metals, newly printed books and the smell of rain.

2. I have migraine often.

3. I buy books faster than I read them.

4. I usually am reading at least 3 books at the same time.

5. I once comtemplated suicide.

6. I cried at the movies.

7. I can't ride a bicycle.

8. I suffer from motion sicknes, that's why you can't see me reading while travelling.

9. I prefer analogue clock or watch over digital ones.

10. I still stay with my parents.

11. I find it easier to express myself in gibberish languages / noise.

12. I love locoroco.

13. I would love to travel to these few places: Cambodia, Korea, India, any country in Africa, Arctic or Antartica, Sahara Desert, Easter Island and Christmas island.

14. I don't know how to swim. (But managed to jump from the helicopter 10 feet above the sea during my training.)

15. My best memories 01 -- spending time on the helipad on the oil platform, just watching the sky and the sea.

16. My best memories 02 -- seeing the colour of the sky when the moon is going down and the sun is coming up.

17. I am thrilled by the sound of violin, and would like to learn it soon.

18. I love speed, from driving to walking, from eating to drinking.

19. I dislike children, no matter how cute they are.

20. I wish I have a nicer pair of legs.

21. I enjoy running and moving about.

22. I enjoy drawing, but can't seem to draw well.

23. I like asking nonsense questions -- e.g. why is the skin of the "mango" so rough?

24. I dislike perfume.

25. I seldom watch any TV shows.

26. A movie without sacrifying at least one person, is no good.

27. I made a telescope when I was 16 (by borrowing the unwanted specticle glasses from my classmates -- one of the pros of studying in science stream: everyone is wearing glasses), to witness the collision of Shumaker-Levy comet and Jupiter. It got dismantled by my mum.

28. I like to confound a lot of things within a sentence.

29. I got my 1st telescope when I left Sheffield as a farewell gift.

30. If there is a choice for food, I will never go for bread and sandwiches. The first one reminded me of war time food, the latter one is regarded as rabbit food. Of course, everything has an exception: French walnut salad.

31. I eat of tomatoes by sucking out the seeds only.

32. I eat the rim of the burger/bread/pizza first.

33. I save the best food till last.

34. I am very particular to the orientation of the pen cap when it is secured to the pen.

35. I love rainny days.

36. I used to look up from under the roof when it rains, and it made me feels like I am travelling on the Star Trek ship. I still do it now.

37. I always wanted to be a guy.

38. I fell in love with a comic poster during my teenage years.

39. I prefer drinking plain water than anything else.

40. I don't understand why Malaysian ladies don't wear socks to work.

41. I find it very hard to behave like an adult.

42. I can't start my day without a proper breakfast, and must be warm.

43. A day is not complete without having a dump.

44. I like to visualise things, like the satelite reception disks as mushrooms, the KLCC tower as golden corns, the street lights as the bean sprouts.

45. I like Lindt 80% dark chocolate, followed by Kinder Bueno, becauce I can't find Lindt 80% dark chocolate in this country.

46. I wanted to join Engineers Without Borders.

47. I am a morning person.

48. I love the sweet and sour pork from this one little old and run down restaurant in the heart of the city in KL. No other S&S pork taste as genuine as this restaurant.

49. I scoop natella out from the bottle to eat, and loving it very much.

50. I am a light sleeper, when the background noise is human noise and music. But I can sleep very well next to a noisy machine.

51. I love sunshine.

52. Yes, I said I love rainning just now, and I forgot to mention that I contradicts myself a lot.

53. I have an imaginary friend.

54. I am very particular about colours, slight difference in the colour tone means a lot to me. So the field green and the apple green are different to me, chilli pepper red and rose red aren't the same.

55. Practicality is very important, it comes right after freedom.

56. I don't like heels.

57. I don't spend more than 5 minutes in front of the mirror each day.

58. My most colourful days are during high school.

59. I originally wanted to do astronomy / astro-physics.

60. But was objected by my father, and so I changed for medics.

61. Finally settled for engineering, because of insufficient funding.

62. Yes, I am a female, and I chose engineering, because I think I will suffer with accounting and economics. Most important of all, engineering can always switch back to ecnomics and finance whenever I regreted it.

63. My best memories 03 -- walking at the edge of desert to reach up to the hill, in an orange evening.

64. I love dealing with machines. At least they are more honest than mankind, so I can always fool them.

65. My favourite flower is tubarose, actually I still don't know the real name of the flower until now. But a florist in Nottinghill told me that it is a tubarose when I asked him what's the name of the flower he has by the window. I love it because of the smell.

66. I have a very sensitive sense of smell.

67. I hate the smell of cigarettes smoke, and it usually triggers my migraine.

68. I love mushrooms.

69. I can't stand randomly scattered homogenious patterns. e.g. bacteria growing on the cultured gels, the ceiling panels, water vapours etc.

70. I like to peel the healing wounds and peeling hair scalp. (yes, I am sick and dirty)

71. I love berries.

72. It is very difficult to remember words, from names to brands, from road names to phone numbers. I am good in remembering what colour and material that a person worn when we first met, than the person's name and face.

73. I love the sound of cracking ice patches on the road, and the cracking sound of the crème brûlée.

74. I am fascinated by furry and round stuffs.

75. But I never like dolls or any soft toys.

76. I think all female clothing designers sucks, because their designs are very impractical. There is always lack of pockets for the girls, while guys have too much pockets.

77. I will stop and talk to stray cats and dogs.

78. I got distracted by patterns easily. So you can see that my room is always very plain and my bed sheets have very little patterns.

79. I was given various Christian names by my friends, from Jenny to Yvonne, from Jimmy to Alex. Above all, I cherish the one that was given by my friend and her husband -- Celine. But I still prefer people call me by my real name.

80. I would like to be proposed on top of the little hill in the KLCC garden, which situated in the middle of the lake.

81. I sometimes create an argument for the sake of arguing.

82. I am pessimistic.

83. I was once asked to choose whether I would prefer to have a landmark (e.g. a mountain, a building etc.) named after me, or a theory named after me. I chose the latter one.

84. I prefer red wine over white.

85. I only have one watch, and that's my only accessory.

86. I don't wear ear rings.

87. I've got my appendicectomy during my primary school.

88. I was nearly dead 3 times -- first was the appendicectomy (because it has already rotten inside my body for more than a year), second was a close case accident, third one was denggi fever.

89. I am scared of spiders. No, not crokroaches, not lizards nor scorpians.

90. I dislike UHT milk.

91. I would like to go into the sunflower and rape flower field.

92. I would like to achieve my dream of studying astro-physics.

93. I prefer country life rather than city life.

94. I prefer vegetables over meat.

95. I need to work on my confidence.

96. I don't understand how dimples make one looks nice.

97. I find that hugging is a very good remedy, and I miss it. (This country is not hug-friendly)

98. It took me about 23 years to find one person that shares the same birthday as me, and he is from India. I met him in a student registration hall.

99. I love seeing pretty girls, especially those with nice boobs and long legs.

100. I would like to join National Geographic photography team one day.

Man........... it is so hard to fill in 100 items about myself............. I salute my colleague who spent time writing it so well... he even has an A-Z guide about himself...................... >_<"

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