Sunday, November 16, 2008

Age Gap 2

This morning while I was having breakfast, my father called from outside the kitchen.

Father, "xx (my nick name at home), how do you turn off full screen in the computer?"
Me munching on my breakfast, "Press Esc."

Later when I was washing up the dishes, he came again, "How come the computer has an aquarium inside?"

Me, "Er?"
Father, "The are fishes in the computer, it keeps coming back."

Me, "Huh?!"
Father, "It even turned dark, you know how to set the monitor to bright again?"
Me walked to his computer, realised that it was the animated screen saver. It was a lively aquarium fish screen saver, whereby the background colour will change from day to night.

In fact, this is not the first encounter...

While I was in UK, my father would sometimes call up (yes, it was an international call) just to ask "How to save a file?"
"Where is the underline button?"

It sometimes makes me feel sad thinking about it.

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