Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A girls' night out

I went out with three of my secondary school friends last night, one of them just came back from Shanghai for CNY.

We had a dinner and chit chat non-stop last night, followed by casual shopping. I was then lead into a cosmetic shop, surrendered my face to the sales lady to put on a make up. I felt transformed after putting on the layer of colours.

Despite not having a lot of common topics to talk about with these gals, I always enjoyed their companionship. Among us, I am the most outdated one -- when they learned to groom themselves, I was too busy spending my time studying and watching my budgets. I enjoyed seeing them turning into such beautiful ladies, but I myself never have the confidence and guts to become one.

I have done make ups before, but I never take the initiative to pick it up. Most importantly, I do not know how to behave after putting on these things. Nonetheless, I felt like a lady for once in my life. Though I still have to watch my budgets today, I hope that it is not too late for me to learn up the skills and attitude to be beautiful. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I always wanted to try those make-up and free magazine cover photo shoot. We are only young once. Won't know how would we look in the coming years. Would like to capture a "beautiful" moment in life...not just the bridal shot though... :P

Vinegar said...

Jaime, well, I do not have the courage to go for photoshots, but I do want to "re-package" myself a little... perhaps to appear a little more sophisticated than what I am now... -___-"