Monday, February 9, 2009

Respect on Sale

My father was admitted into the hospital over this long weekend holiday.

I dislike the fact, that they delayed my father for the purpose of having him staying for extra days, so that they can claim it off the insurance. I won't bore you with the details, actions and conversations.

The staffs in the hospital are so money minded, it made me shiver. The basic ethics to run a hospital, is in a way, very similar to running a school. You need to have a heart to do the job, and the routine will keep challenging your moral. Some people surrender their sense of righteous; some people quit because they can't stand the pain. Either one is no good.

I learned a lesson, this is a country (or perhaps it has affected the whole world?), whereby people value your life proportionally to your money and status (mind you, the status can be bought too). And respect, as a human being, is determined by the colour of the plastic in your wallet.

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