Saturday, February 21, 2009

In the name of love

When I was still in junior secondary, we used to have the luxury of slotting art studies into the school subjects.

One day, our art teacher came into the class, asking us to draw a poster for one of the latest campaign in the public -- to raise the public concern of the relationship between parents and children. It was a hot topic at that moment, that parents were not spending enough time with the children.

I have a deep feeling over this issue, as I myself is growing up in a family that is so close yet so far. I drew my feelings, but I ended up getting a "C". I was cynical over the drawing that was chosen to take part in the poster competition of the campaign -- It was a drawing showing caring parents holding their children in their arms, or something along those lines.

I have almost forgotten this drawing until when I came back home about a year ago, cleaning up my room, and I found that drawing again. It has since then printed in my head. Surprisingly, it is still the same feeling I have after living for so many years.

This is a rough duplication of my drawing, without the words, and the person surrounded in black is replaced with my avatar:

On the face of it, I am supposed to feel happy and merry over what I have. But I can't deny the fact that I am feeling alone and down more than when I was away from home. I still feel cynical over things that show lovey-dovey stuffs, because to me, we all suffer under the name of love.

To give you a few examples, some parents planned the future for their kids, so well that the kids never have time to play. Tuitions after tuitions, piano classes after computer classes etc. All in the name of love, so that they can have a better future when they grow up. But the kids will only grow up becoming walking zombies.

Some lovers force their other half into fitting their own mould, knowing very well the descrepancies between them. While the other halves force themselves to believe in the happy future and fit into the mould given to them. All in the name of love, so that they can be together forever. But neither is happy.

This is my opinion about love, I am being cynical, and have no means of hiding it.

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