Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mr. Pig

A typical conversation with Mr. Pig:

me, "xx, can you check this dimension? the pipe diameter shown on your drawing is not 14 inch."

Pig, "Oh, I got this template from him," pointing his finger over to another draft person, "he draw it that way, so I just use it..." Brushing the mistake straight off his shoulder, and totally refused to admit that he is wrong.

me, "Well, you are supposed to check the template dimension when you copied it."

Pig, "But the template was like that..."

me, "The template was merely an example, it wasn't to scale. The drawing you are working now, is an approval drawing, you need to get it right."
Pig turned his back on me, and kept quiet.


I am have nothing personal against Mr. Pig, but I strongly disagree with his behaviour towards me, and his way of working.

We start work at 8am, he arrives office at 8am. Filling up his water bottle, starting up PC, having his breakfast, checking emails etc.... unless you push him, else he won't start working until at least 9am.

He also have tonnes of phone calls and instant messaging while working... busy chit-chatting and did not pay attention to his work.

If he goes out during lunch time at 12pm, when he gets back to office at 1pm, he would bring along with his take away lunch box, start eating it away while everyone has already started work. Not to mention that he would take up one hour (from 1pm - 2pm) to read newspaper etc.

This is the first time I am meeting someone who won't budge no matter what you do, has no improvement after being scolded. I am not the first one who "lecture" him, the project engineers scolded him worse, and my boss too has been "nagging" him.

I do not want to waste time to scold people, I don't care who the person it, an angel or serial killer, all I want is to get the job done. How can I get him to work?! I feel like biting an overcooked squid, whereby the harder you bite, the more frustrated you get... because you get can't get that bloody (or inky?) squid to break. >_<"

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