Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4th Violin Lesson

The 4th lesson was about playing the notes D E F# and G, playing it smoothly is a great challenge. The first three fingers on my left hand was numbed since Sunday, it has been very painful to press the strings, and pull the bow. The vibration of the strings made it worse, especially when I played the E note.

We were also taught to differentiate various types of musics, quartet, solo, orchestra, concerto etc. It followed by indentifying the instruments in the music pieces.

I have been struggling to practice the violin, as there is no venue that I could practice.

I have been practising it in my small little car for the past one week or so. 15 - 25 minutes upon arriving to my work place everyday (I arrived office about an hour before the working hour starts), and 10 - 15 minutes during lunch time occasionally (my lunch time varies and sometimes do not left enough time to practice).

No one seems to have any positive things to say towards my venture into music, I guess people have anticipated the amount of noise I would make out of the instrument, and do not want to put up with it.

Even so, practising the violin in the car is a challenge, as I am blocked by many things, to name a few, the steering wheel, the seats and the window. I tried putting down the seats, squatting on the back rest to play. It is still difficult, as the windows are still blocking my movements. Not to mention the stuffy condition in the car, the echo which makes it difficult for the tuner to pick up the right note from the violin. I guess venturing into a foreign arena without any supports is tough at times.


imissw said...

hey, tt's not fair. i've been supporting you since the first day!

keep it up! nothing good ever comes easy!

why don't you sit in the middle of the back seat?

Vinegar said...

Sorry Mun Oon, thank you for your moral support. ^_^

Well, there isn't much space at the back seat. There are more obstacles there compare to the front seats... at least I can lower down the front seats and occupy the back seat space. :)

Anonymous said...

Come on Vinegar! Lots of people would want to listen to your violin rendition after you have trained yourself. Gambatte!

Vinegar said...

Anonymous, thank you for being supportive. I will consider that at later stage. ^_^