Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Virgin and men

Mr. Pig went for a dating session arranged by some dating agency. He was matched with a sweet lady, who teaches ballet.

Mr. Pig was attracted by her look, but was put off by her background -- She was once married and divorced. Mr. Pig claimed that she has interests on him, but from what I see, she has the sincerity into giving herself and the potential guy, that was matched to her by the agent, a chance.

Mr. Pig did not want to admit that it was because of the fact where she is not a virgin, until I pinned him down on the topic. Mr. Pig claimed that, "I have not married yet, I deserve someone better. Not to say I don't have a choice that I need to choose a divorced woman or something..."
The way he put it, it sounded as if a non-virgin woman is a second hand item for him.

The second thing I asked was the reason she divorced with her husband. Mr. Pig said that her husband was lazy and relies solely on her income. The husband gets jealous when she achieves higher than him, and the marriage turned sour.

Then I questioned Mr. Pig, if he can take it when a woman achieves higher than him. He gives a sour face, mumbling a "yes" reluctantly.

Well, there is no right or wrong for these two questions. However it triggers some thoughts of mine...

In this part of the world, it is still commonly believed that virginity is important, and a lady are taught that they should feel glad if their husbands can stand the pressure of having a high achiever wife.

To me, all these are WTF. Life is already suffering, I have already given up all I have to be with that man, and I don't want to make myself suffer anymore by trying to feed his ego. As painful as it is, I think men should start thinking of what they want. Because my personal experience until today, most of the men from the East are taking wife and marriage as a collection.

For exampl, in this country, it is common for men to start their carrier by having the goal of earning more. It eventually become -- getting a car, then a fancy car, then a girl friend, then a house, a wife, children... etc... They believed that when all these are achieved, their life will be completed. But the fact is, when you get all these, your life is still empty, you will still feel disatisfied. So, side products come out -- pressure your children to achieve good grades, finding excitement from other ladies, from the pub, from the gamble etc...

I don't understand men at all, I don't know what are they chasing for. When I asked what they want, they said "A nice family." But it sounded like a fancy version of --"A comfy home that allows me to go back and sleep, and don't worry anything else."

I feel that lady in this part of the world, are like a merchandise. While ladies trying to "sell" themselves away, i.e. trying to get a boyfriend and desperately getting married when they are approaching 30s. Men are choosing which lady can become their washing machine, maid, sexual partner and baby making machine.

The attitude of men I have met so far, dating is an investment, the more you are willing to put in, the better investment quality you will get. And the investment will turn into a life long profit after the lady signs the paper to get married.

Anyway, I am off the track too much now, I will stop here. No comments are welcome in this post, as I am sure no men will agree with what I have said.

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