Monday, March 2, 2009

Stupidity is treatable; idiocy is beyond help

Today, first day of the week, I have it by offending three people.

First is Mr. Woodchild, he came into the office unusually early, and came straight to my desk, asked me to give him the source of where I got that powerpoint file, with a condescending tone.

So I sent the source, and indicated that his SMS allegation was inappropriate, as the file is not a personal file. And because I think being alleged twice on the same issue is more than just a plain miscommunication, I also BCC that email to our HR (the first time he accused me, I did not recorded it here). He then fight back saying that I am being too sensitive, and he did not do that, asked me not to get mad at him.

I held on to the principle, and the whole conversation go on and on about him not admitting his mistake, and I held onto my principle. The HR called him regarding this matter, and he eventually said that he is clear about what I said with a very reluctant tone, and ended it with a comment that "You women are so troublesome, I thought you are not a woman."

I intended to just let it pass, until he said that last sentence, "Well, if I weren't a woman, you are no man either." And I decided to walk away from that mad dog Mr. Woodchild.


The day continues and the second people is Ir. Decamouth.

Ir. Decamouth did not jot down a single word when I was explaning the design of this new job (Project T) on Friday. All the technical explanations gone down to the drain, he did not clarify it with the customer regarding our deviation of the specifications. The customer came back with a list of questions, and this was what Decamouth talked to me:

"Vinegar, the Japanese is coming back with tones of technical questions."
me, "emmhmm?"
"Well, I need you to clarify it with them, and explain to them why we does it this way."
me, "I have explained to you on Friday."
"Yeah, but I want something more formal in written." <-- this is practically saying "you should do my job for me. While I take all the credits by sending that email as my own, and you have to bear all the responsibilities if it turns out badly."
So my reply: "Well, you can draft it and I don't mind checking it for you."
Decamouth hung up, no, he slammed the phone.
Third incident also involves Project T. As project T is only at its quotation stage, the sales team are working on it. Our head of sales Mr. Paramount is in charged of it while Decamouth was doing the proposal for him. The story with Mr. Paramount starts on Friday, when I was interacting with Decamouth regarding the calculations of this Project T.
Ir. Decamouth passed me a set of computer calculation printout, with obvious modification made on the print out. Decamouth wanted me to explain to the customer regarding the difference between my current calculation and that print out (which was done before I joinned this company).
The print out was more than being modified, it was altered, and it is now just a make-up piece of information. I could not duplicate the results shown in that printout! The person who changed the printout, did not change the name of the person who done the calculation -- this means, my boss who made the calculation, has to bear the responsibilities and consequences of those infidel results!

Decamouth indicated that the printout was given to him by Mr. Paramount, I suggested him to obtain a full picture of that print out from Paramount, while I continue working on the calculation based on the latest information he gave me.

Decamouth wrote an email questioning Paramount, Paramount shot at me by saying that I did not do my job, and pushes the responsibilities to Engineering department. I found that rather ironic, the person who puts my boss under the risk of his illegal alteration of the computation printout, is claiming that we are wrong.

I wrote a reply to him today, by stating the fact that I have found out from that print out, and informed him that the latest calculation was done and submitted to the customer. The previous calculation has now been superseded.

Paramount was unhappy of that email, picked a fight with me, claiming that I do not know how to do my job. I told him that the alteration of the technical calculation is as serious as altering the bank statement of one's account. It shows infidelity of the results, and it deletes all the traces for future references. At the same time, he is putting my boss under the risk of that inaccurate, worse still non-achievable results.

He insisted that I do not know how to do my job properly, that I am making things big to scare him, and he knows his job better than I am, and he just wanted to make the results presentable to the customer. I then suggested him to do a separate sales report to the customer based on the original printout, rather than altering it. He then said that those alterations were valid, as it was recommended by my boss. I then challenged him to have this discussion together with me and my boss, and we will try to sort out this misunderstanding. Paramount shuts up.

Later in the afternoon, there was a handover meeting chaired by Paramount, it is Project R. Paramount was picking at me throughout the meeting, whenever I was trying to clarify things. I was not given a chance to speak out.


I do not know if this is the right way of voicing out my opinions and carrying out my principles. It has been a long while since I last voice out my thoughts so openly. To be frank, I am very scared, that Decamouth, Woodchild and Paramount will take their revenge.

I may not have done the right thing in the right way, but I guess this is a big step for me -- to be able to do voice out. I will continue to improve myself to be more politically correct, and saying things in a more tactful way.


kevin said...

HI Vinegar, I think you have done the right thing. I am sure ur boss should support you opinion too. Let those miserable guys get to know that u r not going to be their 'scapegoat'. Well done and good luck in facing them in the future... I'm proud of you... I'm sure the truth will prevail.

Vinegar said...

Thank you for being supportive.