Sunday, March 8, 2009

My first violin lesson

I called up this charity organisation center on Friday afternoon, asking the violin course advert on their website is still recruiting students. They said yes, it will start on Sunday and I registered myself over the phone.

Today is my first violin lesson, there are 9 of us in the class, age spanning from around 60 years old to 13 years old. Surprisingly, there are two rather tardy guys, they were late, they didn't look like those who will be interested in violin -- sun-grilled skin, dirty finger nails, wearing shorts and slippers, messy hair. But well, you never know... never judge the book my its cover.

The teacher is a very young guy, tall and very soft spoken.

The first lesson was to introduce us to the brief music history, from Baroque period to the Romantic period. A lot of long-curly-white hair, and rather meaty fellas were shown in the slides, I don't recognise any of them... only some of the musics.

None of us has a violin yet, so we need to get one before the next lesson. I am starting to realise the difficulty of this journey... I hope I can endure it, cause I tried picking up guitar before in UK, but didn't manage to pull a tune.

So, here's my current situation, pardon my bad sketch... I did it within 5 mins. (Well, not to say the sketch will get better if I had had spent more time on it...)


imissw said...

ah, so proud of you! you finally did it!!!! you started yr lessons.

it's gonna be difficult but hang on in there and all the best!

jia you, jia you, jia you!

Vinegar said...

Thank you Mun Onn.
Yes, I am starting to realise that my passion may not be enough to carry me through...
My chin and neck already got bruises T_T

imissw said...

no pain, no gain!!

remember to send me free tickets to yr debut concert next time!

Vinegar said...

Thank you, I have serious doubt that it would happen -- the debut concert.
Anyway, no harm dreaming. ^_^