Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ip Man

This conversation took place before I went to HK. And so happened that I found a bus painted with the movie poster for Ip Man, so I took a picture of it, to accompany this conversation among the colleagues the other day...

On an ordinary year end day, when everyone was busy meeting the datelines, L suddenly popped up with a question to H, "H, have you seen I.P. Man?"
H was confused, "I.P. Man? What movie is that?"

myself, "I heard of X-men, Superman, never heard of I.P. Man..."

H suddenly realised that L was talking about the latest kung fu movie starred by Donnie Yen -- Ip Man, so I asked why would L read it as I.P. Man? We couldn't find the answer, until I saw this poster at the back of the bus in HK.

Apparently, all the characteres of the name was written in capital letters, despite the "I" and "M" appeared in larger fonts. So I guessed that why L naively mistaken it.

Back from Hong Kong

I am back to Malaysia today, after spending one week in Hong Kong.

Thank you to my good friend and her family for feeding me, providing a very comfortable place to stay, planning my trip in Hong Kong and shared my feelings. They have also been very generous as I have not helped them in the chores at all.

Also, my housemate during university, whom I have not met for the past 8 years, has taken time to bring me around, despite a very short notice. And I'd got a chance to meet his pretty girlfriend, who looks like Maggie Siu. Thank you.

I will update later with photos taken in HK, and write something about the trip. In fact, I did not plan for the trip at all, it was my friends who laid it all out, so I need to sort out where I have gone over the past week. My main motive of going to HK was to pay a visit to both my friends, and I have also taken it as an escape from the ever stressful Malaysia.

This trip has charged me up, as I have felt that I was being accepted by my friends as who I am, and this is something that I don't get here.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I met a nasty arsehole today. In fact I have been dealing with a few of these arses since a while ago. This week has been particularly bad as my direct boss is not around to help out with my limited knowledge on the product. I was covered with the fart and shyte coming from all the arseholes.
This particular arse no. 1 trapped me today, which made me feel very upset after trying my best to support. Arse no. 1 was farting around and laying shyte all over places, and make up stories to make me the responsible one.
The lesson I learned today: Some people just don't worth your best effort. It is better to save the effort for someone who appreciate your hard work.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A phone call from the chief judge

Following my previous blog on the speech competition, I have received a phone call from the chief judge over the lunch time today.

The judge was trying to pull me joining the toastmaster's club. When I asked him regarding my feedback on the presentation the other day, (he left right after the competition) he mentioned something vague, which showed clear signs that he did not pay attention to my speech.

He mentioned that I did not gave any examples, but instead my whole presentation was about examples and applications. He mentioned that no one understood what I was talking about, but instead there were interesting questions from the audience that day, which built upon their understanding of the presentation. He also mentioned a few other things, which I didn't want to be rude by telling him straight to the face, that he did not pay attention.

In fact, before receiving the phone call, I have thought about joining the toastmaster's club. However, his overly enthusiastic phone call, and his lack of sincerity feedback somehow puts me off. I guess this is what they called -- one man's meat is the other man's poison?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gmail Background

Have you noticed that you can customised your Gmail background now? There are various backgrounds available for you to choose from.
I have chosen this little fox, and have noticed over the past few weeks that the fox have different activities at different time of the day. Here are a few print screens...
Bathing the little chick:

Sweeping floor:

Meeting with friend:

Feeding the ducks:

Oh, I love this little fox so much, I check email everyday now. Too bad my company PC is using IE6, which doesn't support this feature, else I would have just left my gmail on all day long to see if the little fox would run around having its life in the digital world. ^_^

Saturday, December 13, 2008


It is year end now, many of the horoscope forecasts for year 2009 are flying around, be it Chinese horoscope or the Western one, some even include blood type.

Looking into other people's horoscope, I am always fascinated by how gifted and talented others are. But when it comes to my own sign, I am disappointed as always.

I mentioned this to my bf, and he felt the same thing for his horoscope... Then I started wondering, if I am the only one feeling that way?

Take the normal Western horoscope for example, from Aries to Pisces, everyone has some useful strength, except mine -- the Sagittarius. From determine to active, charming, hardworking, sensible, filled with guts, good in planning, independent... etc, Sagittarians often only given a very short paragraph, regarding free-spirits, or playful. And you know, either free-spirit or playful is often being kicked out of the door in the working world.

The worse thing is, from Chinese to Western horoscope, even to the blood type, I am classified as the free-spirited one. And I am not any of it.
Another incident, I once came across the daily horoscope in the newspaper, while having breakfast in the mamak with my bf. It said for my bf, there will be someone upsetting him that day, and he needs to control his emotion. Then out of curiosity, I went to read mine, it said something trivial.

I then wondered who is the person that will make him upset. So I continued reading the rest, considered that in the horoscope world, everyone in this world is catagorised into one of the twelve signs. To my surprise, none of the other horoscope mentioned that he/she will upset someone that day.

Who upset my bf that day? No one.


I used to have a friend, who would start her day by reading the horoscope, and remembers it, lives by it. Anything happened that day, she would somehow link it with the horoscope. She seemed to enjoy it, but to me it is a horror living up to someone else's so called prediction.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Speech Competition

I went for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers speech competition yesterday. Got myself a 2nd prize. Well, for a 2-3 days part time preparation, no rehearsal, I am happy with what I've got. The cost of the prize is about the price of my flight ticket to HK this Xmas.

The aim of the competition was on the presentation skills, the content takes very little weight. I lost to a young guy, who was very skillful in presentation. Congratulations to him. ^_^

I shall improve my public speaking skills, and be more confident.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is around the corner, I am missing the days when I spent the Christmas in UK. The cold and wet weather, the strong wind, the yellowish street lights, the smell of the chill air, the cracking sound of the icy patches, the packed trains, the departmental Christmas lunch / dinner, the emptiness and serenity of the street on Christmas day, the Christmas market, the sale, the rush for everyone to go home, the turkey and gravy, the cranberry sauce, the Christmas pudding, the cooking night in my supervisor's house... etc etc etc...

To be frank, I have enjoyed Christmas over the past 10 years, that I now feel more attached to Christmas than Chinese New Year.

I have been visiting my friend F almost every Christmas while in UK. This year she and her family has moved to Hong Kong, and I am visiting her over the Christmas again. It made me missed the days in UK more.

She asked me what do I plan to do while in HK, I really had no idea. Year after year, I visited her just for the sake of spending time with her and her family, with her lovely three cats and the dog. Also to run away from my daily hectic cycle.

This year, while there isn't any Christmas atmosphere here, I have made myself a little brooch, here it is.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


I once saw three little mice ran out from my kitchen, in the early morning.

The front mouse was running fast, the second one was biting the tail of the first one, and followed by the third mouse biting the second's tail. Three of them were so tiny, I bet their eyes were not fully developed yet.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lunch time

I have been pretty lucky to have not work in any local office until today. Therefore, there are a lot of strange things that happened in my office, that make me feel like an alien.

In my office, everyone has to take turn to sit in during the lunch time, at the front desk to pick up phone calls, answer the door bell etc., including managers. Until one fine day, the MD made a huge noise, and he got exempt. Then the managers made noise, and they got exempt... and left the rest of us.

We only have one young lady sitting at the front desk. I understand that she too has to take her lunch, but I think it is very unfair for us to do her job. I think we should practice alternative lunch hour for her, instead of having everyone takes turn to sacrify our lunch time. Perhaps just set a pre-recorded voice message to inform the incoming caller(s) to call back after lunch. Besides, we all have our direct line, so it is very unlikely for the front desk person to re-direct the calls.

To answer door bell from delivery services is easy, not all of us eat out, we could just open the door once in a while when there are people coming. In any case, it doesn't require a person to sit there all the time.


Besides the lunch hour duty, some of my colleagues like to take a nap in the office after lunch. Though they claimed it is normal, which I too had commited it a couple of times... I still find it very odd for people to do so.

I have never worked in an office in this country before, but my experience from UK is that, you shouldn't be sleeping while you are working. I think many of my friends who are working locally will agree with me, that taking a nap in the office is strange, or perhaps unacceptable. I have stopped joining the "afternoon nap team".


My office also have some really calculative guys. They take their lunch hour to sort out their personal stuff, between 12pm - 1pm. They then come back at 1pm, with the lunch box take away, walk into the office, and eat in front of their computer, while everyone resumed working. These people claimed that they are entitled to have lunch... but well, their lunch hour has been more than an hour. And the rest of us have to endure the smell of food in the confined air-cond. room.


My office, though located in a place called "commerce centre", it doesn't have any bank, any post office, any McDonald's, any convinient store, nor any stationery shop. It is filled with offices, restaurants and car parks. The building is located in the middle of no where, and surrounded by very bad traffic, with virtually-never-appeared-public-transport (I have never seen a bus stopping there or driving up the road, at any time of the day, despite seeing a bus stop).

So, while others can settle their bills and payment over the lunch hour, we can't do that, unless we drive out the area. This will then lead to another country-wide problem -- can't find a car park.

Anyway, this is just me moaning about the stupidity of the local town planning...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Honesty and sincerity

I remembered someone asked me what do I look for in my partner, I replied honesty and sincerity.

In fact, these do not just apply to my partner, but apply for friendship and other people I met.


I went to see a supplier today, with my boss. This supplier, Mr. M, did not show any interest when I first called him last week to book an appointment to meet up for this week. I then found out later last week, that under the same address for this supplier, there is another company name. Out of curiosity, I called this other company, and his secretary Ms. J picked up the phone. She confirmed that the two company names are actually falling under the same owner, and that she can help me to arrange a meeting with Mr. M.

So, eventually we met Mr. M this morning. It turns out that he appeared alright in front of my ang moh boss. I found that he is obviously very proud of himself, and I have seen his "two-face" through this meeting, he showed his honesty when we talked about the specifications of our order, but he is really lack of sincerity.

Well, it takes a certain level of self confidence and guts to be honest. And it takes some level of respects and appreciation to be sincere. In my humble opinion, a person who is proud, must have known his field inside out, very confident of what he is doing and has obviously received a high recognition for his knowledge.

One thing for sure, for a person who is so proud, often finds it hard for others to agree with him from the bottom of the heart, or in other word, appreciate him. Reason being, this person often doesn't understand the limits of others, and seldom show appreciation for others' effort. In most of the cases, proud people who gainned high recognition are putting a lot more effort to reach to the summit. Therefore to them, the effort that done by others are merely a basic requirement.

A person is being so proud, because he thinks that's how he supposed to react to his recognitions, and he wants respects. Ironically, only when you can respect and appreciate others, you will get the sincere respect and acceptance from the bottom of the heart of others.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What I feel

This is what I feel now...

Life is so tiring, and my right to voice out is invalidated on this piece of land.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday, and I am writing this from the office.

Over the past year, I have...

1. Taught 100 over university students, ranging from 1st to 2nd year. I am glad that I have made some positive impact to their life.

2. I have learned some cruel facts of reality.

3. I had had a very long career break, possibly the longest career break for the rest of my life.

4. I had a career change, from education to engineering application.

5. Owned a car, and need to pay the bank every month for it.

6. Voted for the election for the first time in my life.

7. Successfully learning how to swim.

8. Went to Taiwan for the first time in my life.

That's all I can think of for now... will update this entry when I get home after work tonight.


9. While searching for what I wrote on last year's birthday, I realised that I have created this new blog this year.

10. Met a very interesting boss, and I am very thankful of him.

11. Going to Hong Kong for the first time in my life.

12. First time attending my high school mate's wedding.

13. Registered myself to the gym, but have been lazy.

14. Still yet to register myself to violin class.

15. Having the most quiet birthday to date.

16. Successfully influencing some people around me to bring their own lunch box when they go for take away lunch. This is to reduce the consumption of the polyester lunch box.

17. First time in my life, I have received so many positive comments in a year. And I do not know how to react to them.

18. My boyfriend's father passed away.

19. My cat died, and my 16 years old dog died.

20. Bought a new handphone.

21. Reported someone's illegal action in the company, reported it, and lost the friendship from this colleague.

I can see that even after coming to this world for few decades, there are still a lot of "First time" until today. I hope that I will have a more fruitful life in the coming years, and my list of experiences will grow too.

Happy birthday to myself.

These were what I wrote on my birthday last year: (moved from my previous blog)
1. Got a job in UK, and rejected the offer.
2. Had a good housemate.
3. Went into the tail of an aircraft ruin in Spain.
4. Come home for good after being away for nearly 10 years
5. First time attending my high school classmate's wedding dinner.
6. Bought my first digital camera
7. Travelled to Aberdeen for the 1st time
8. Learned Chinese knots
9. Went to Germany for the first time and got lost in the middle of the city.
10. Finished my French level 2
11. Jobless once again
12. Wrote my first research proposal ever, and didn't manage to get the research grant of course.
13. Had a most wonderful farewell party to date
14. Joined facebook
15. Experienced the shock of car robbery happened to my bf
16. Diagnosed with cervical spondylosis
17. Managed to experience the termination of life-cycle of multiple electrical compliances within two weeks -- kettle, electrical fan heater, central heating, electrical shower and hot water bottle (sigh, this one is not an electrical compliance)
18. Discovered someone's affair
19. Attended an orchestra concert for the first time
20. Got a new pair of specticles after nearly 10 years
21. First time experiencing a lost of life within my hands
22. First time in 10 years, a good night sleep
23. Voice acting for the first time
24. Had my first telescope

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am going to Hong Kong!

Oh yes ~~ I am going to Hong Kong. For the first time, I am spending money to go for leisure travel alone.

I will be visiting a friend who just moved from UK to HK recently, and hopefully can meet up with my ex-housemate.

I am very excited, and already started the count down since yesterday before even purchased the flight ticket. Looking at the down side, the ticket already costs more than half my monthly salary, on top of that, with the expenditures etc... I am going to eat up more than one month salary. So, I am going to work hard for this coming month, in order to justify my travel indulgence.

Hong Kong is a sparkling lively city to me, full of glitters and charm. I wonder if I would bump into any famous HK movie stars? (Day dreaming...)

My car

Have you ever heard of the story "The Journey to the West"? There was this monkey in the story, which possess a gold staff, and travels with a somersault cloud (筋斗云).

Well, I own a small little white colour car, which brings me to places. I am going to call it my somersault cloud from now on.

UPDATE: 01/11/2008

Well, this is not the first time people asking me about this post.

Since my car model has a few colours, here's what I thought about the other colours.

Black ones are like the storm cloud.

Mocha grey are for those coffee-olic ones.

Silver ones are the cloud from the dawn, gold are the dusk.

The red ones are like the marinated octopus served in Sushi King.

The new colour blue is so cool, it looks like the female terminator in the movie Terminator 3 -- Rise of the Machines.

The orange colour looks like a roundish orange rolling on the road. ^_^


Adding up to the 100 things about myself, here is the no. 101 : -- I only drink Pasteurised milk.

And I missed the tea I made in UK with pasteurised milk.... over here, people only use condensed milk or evaporated milk, it is not often seeing people using UHT milk. Pasteurised milk is hard to find here... TT_TT

100 things about myself

Since I am so bored, I am trying my luck on writing a hundred things about myself, since I never seem to write anything like that before... let's see... may be I should start with the 10% similarity I share with my ex-colleague...

1. I love the smell of freshly cut grass, smell of soil (under ultra hot sun and rainny days), rusty metals, newly printed books and the smell of rain.

2. I have migraine often.

3. I buy books faster than I read them.

4. I usually am reading at least 3 books at the same time.

5. I once comtemplated suicide.

6. I cried at the movies.

7. I can't ride a bicycle.

8. I suffer from motion sicknes, that's why you can't see me reading while travelling.

9. I prefer analogue clock or watch over digital ones.

10. I still stay with my parents.

11. I find it easier to express myself in gibberish languages / noise.

12. I love locoroco.

13. I would love to travel to these few places: Cambodia, Korea, India, any country in Africa, Arctic or Antartica, Sahara Desert, Easter Island and Christmas island.

14. I don't know how to swim. (But managed to jump from the helicopter 10 feet above the sea during my training.)

15. My best memories 01 -- spending time on the helipad on the oil platform, just watching the sky and the sea.

16. My best memories 02 -- seeing the colour of the sky when the moon is going down and the sun is coming up.

17. I am thrilled by the sound of violin, and would like to learn it soon.

18. I love speed, from driving to walking, from eating to drinking.

19. I dislike children, no matter how cute they are.

20. I wish I have a nicer pair of legs.

21. I enjoy running and moving about.

22. I enjoy drawing, but can't seem to draw well.

23. I like asking nonsense questions -- e.g. why is the skin of the "mango" so rough?

24. I dislike perfume.

25. I seldom watch any TV shows.

26. A movie without sacrifying at least one person, is no good.

27. I made a telescope when I was 16 (by borrowing the unwanted specticle glasses from my classmates -- one of the pros of studying in science stream: everyone is wearing glasses), to witness the collision of Shumaker-Levy comet and Jupiter. It got dismantled by my mum.

28. I like to confound a lot of things within a sentence.

29. I got my 1st telescope when I left Sheffield as a farewell gift.

30. If there is a choice for food, I will never go for bread and sandwiches. The first one reminded me of war time food, the latter one is regarded as rabbit food. Of course, everything has an exception: French walnut salad.

31. I eat of tomatoes by sucking out the seeds only.

32. I eat the rim of the burger/bread/pizza first.

33. I save the best food till last.

34. I am very particular to the orientation of the pen cap when it is secured to the pen.

35. I love rainny days.

36. I used to look up from under the roof when it rains, and it made me feels like I am travelling on the Star Trek ship. I still do it now.

37. I always wanted to be a guy.

38. I fell in love with a comic poster during my teenage years.

39. I prefer drinking plain water than anything else.

40. I don't understand why Malaysian ladies don't wear socks to work.

41. I find it very hard to behave like an adult.

42. I can't start my day without a proper breakfast, and must be warm.

43. A day is not complete without having a dump.

44. I like to visualise things, like the satelite reception disks as mushrooms, the KLCC tower as golden corns, the street lights as the bean sprouts.

45. I like Lindt 80% dark chocolate, followed by Kinder Bueno, becauce I can't find Lindt 80% dark chocolate in this country.

46. I wanted to join Engineers Without Borders.

47. I am a morning person.

48. I love the sweet and sour pork from this one little old and run down restaurant in the heart of the city in KL. No other S&S pork taste as genuine as this restaurant.

49. I scoop natella out from the bottle to eat, and loving it very much.

50. I am a light sleeper, when the background noise is human noise and music. But I can sleep very well next to a noisy machine.

51. I love sunshine.

52. Yes, I said I love rainning just now, and I forgot to mention that I contradicts myself a lot.

53. I have an imaginary friend.

54. I am very particular about colours, slight difference in the colour tone means a lot to me. So the field green and the apple green are different to me, chilli pepper red and rose red aren't the same.

55. Practicality is very important, it comes right after freedom.

56. I don't like heels.

57. I don't spend more than 5 minutes in front of the mirror each day.

58. My most colourful days are during high school.

59. I originally wanted to do astronomy / astro-physics.

60. But was objected by my father, and so I changed for medics.

61. Finally settled for engineering, because of insufficient funding.

62. Yes, I am a female, and I chose engineering, because I think I will suffer with accounting and economics. Most important of all, engineering can always switch back to ecnomics and finance whenever I regreted it.

63. My best memories 03 -- walking at the edge of desert to reach up to the hill, in an orange evening.

64. I love dealing with machines. At least they are more honest than mankind, so I can always fool them.

65. My favourite flower is tubarose, actually I still don't know the real name of the flower until now. But a florist in Nottinghill told me that it is a tubarose when I asked him what's the name of the flower he has by the window. I love it because of the smell.

66. I have a very sensitive sense of smell.

67. I hate the smell of cigarettes smoke, and it usually triggers my migraine.

68. I love mushrooms.

69. I can't stand randomly scattered homogenious patterns. e.g. bacteria growing on the cultured gels, the ceiling panels, water vapours etc.

70. I like to peel the healing wounds and peeling hair scalp. (yes, I am sick and dirty)

71. I love berries.

72. It is very difficult to remember words, from names to brands, from road names to phone numbers. I am good in remembering what colour and material that a person worn when we first met, than the person's name and face.

73. I love the sound of cracking ice patches on the road, and the cracking sound of the crème brûlée.

74. I am fascinated by furry and round stuffs.

75. But I never like dolls or any soft toys.

76. I think all female clothing designers sucks, because their designs are very impractical. There is always lack of pockets for the girls, while guys have too much pockets.

77. I will stop and talk to stray cats and dogs.

78. I got distracted by patterns easily. So you can see that my room is always very plain and my bed sheets have very little patterns.

79. I was given various Christian names by my friends, from Jenny to Yvonne, from Jimmy to Alex. Above all, I cherish the one that was given by my friend and her husband -- Celine. But I still prefer people call me by my real name.

80. I would like to be proposed on top of the little hill in the KLCC garden, which situated in the middle of the lake.

81. I sometimes create an argument for the sake of arguing.

82. I am pessimistic.

83. I was once asked to choose whether I would prefer to have a landmark (e.g. a mountain, a building etc.) named after me, or a theory named after me. I chose the latter one.

84. I prefer red wine over white.

85. I only have one watch, and that's my only accessory.

86. I don't wear ear rings.

87. I've got my appendicectomy during my primary school.

88. I was nearly dead 3 times -- first was the appendicectomy (because it has already rotten inside my body for more than a year), second was a close case accident, third one was denggi fever.

89. I am scared of spiders. No, not crokroaches, not lizards nor scorpians.

90. I dislike UHT milk.

91. I would like to go into the sunflower and rape flower field.

92. I would like to achieve my dream of studying astro-physics.

93. I prefer country life rather than city life.

94. I prefer vegetables over meat.

95. I need to work on my confidence.

96. I don't understand how dimples make one looks nice.

97. I find that hugging is a very good remedy, and I miss it. (This country is not hug-friendly)

98. It took me about 23 years to find one person that shares the same birthday as me, and he is from India. I met him in a student registration hall.

99. I love seeing pretty girls, especially those with nice boobs and long legs.

100. I would like to join National Geographic photography team one day.

Man........... it is so hard to fill in 100 items about myself............. I salute my colleague who spent time writing it so well... he even has an A-Z guide about himself...................... >_<"

Words 4

Just thought of something that happened in the hotel dining area the other day. My boss, colleague, me and our customer was having a dinner, discussing some engineering issues.

My colleague ordered a local delicacy -- Sago Gula Melaka.
The presentation of the desert was great, it was served in a small white bowl, with a small transparent sago dome placed in the center, immersed into the coconut milk cum coconut sugar, topped with a bit of sour cream and a little strawberry.

I spoke without thinking and interupted the ongoing conversation, "Your desert looks like a 15 year-old girl." My colleague stopped his spoon halfway in the air, looked at me... not sure if he should continue eating...


I was on a phone with my friend, then suddenly my friend noticed that I didn't respond, and asked what happened to me.
My reply: "I know I need to do something today, but I've forgotten about it. I need to remember what I forgot."
My friend fainted at the other end of the phone.

Similar incident...

My boss asked if I have anything to tell him.
"Yes, I do have some questions, but I need to digest them first before asking."
My boss got so puzzled...

Another incident...

"I need to go to bank today, but I wonder if I have already gone to the bank today."


"I knew that I have forgotten something, but only until now that I remember what I have forgotten -- the towel."

Squeaky mouse <:3)~

It happened the other day, when my boss was demonstrating a software to me, I heard that his mouse was having a similar rolling problem as mine. It made a rather annoying squeeky sound.

Me: Your mouse squeaks like mine...
Boss: Yeah, that makes it more realistic, isn't it?
<:3)~ ....

Age Gap 2

This morning while I was having breakfast, my father called from outside the kitchen.

Father, "xx (my nick name at home), how do you turn off full screen in the computer?"
Me munching on my breakfast, "Press Esc."

Later when I was washing up the dishes, he came again, "How come the computer has an aquarium inside?"

Me, "Er?"
Father, "The are fishes in the computer, it keeps coming back."

Me, "Huh?!"
Father, "It even turned dark, you know how to set the monitor to bright again?"
Me walked to his computer, realised that it was the animated screen saver. It was a lively aquarium fish screen saver, whereby the background colour will change from day to night.

In fact, this is not the first encounter...

While I was in UK, my father would sometimes call up (yes, it was an international call) just to ask "How to save a file?"
"Where is the underline button?"

It sometimes makes me feel sad thinking about it.

Words 3

I think I must be very tired.... As I have made two mistakes repeatedly.

"A steel bar is placed between two copper bars, each having the same area and length as the steel..."
"Miss, can you repeat that again?"
"Yes. A steel bar... is placed between... two copper bras..."
"Miss, repeat?"
"A steel bra is placed between two copper bras........"

Pointing at the lemon slice that comes with the coke, "Why does the mango have such a rough skin?"
"Huh? Since when the mango has rough skin?"
"There, the mango in my coke..." (my mind was thinking "lemon", but somehow kept saying "mango")
"That's a lemon."
"Yeah, I know a mango."
*the person who I had this conversation fainted*

Words 2

"Class, let's look at the linear impulse and momentum equation, if we compare it with the angular impulse and momentum equation, can you see some similarities?"

"Yeeeeeesssss,, Miiiisssss....."

"OK, please note that although they looked similar, but they are in fact different..." (you are supposed to get confused here.)

40 fellas scratched their head... 10 fella laughed"The linear equation deals with force only, and angular equation deals with moments."

50 fellas scratched their head with both hands...

"In linear impulse and momentum... the impulse measures the change of momentum, the momentum is inertia in move."


"For the case of angular, the angular momentum is the 'moment' of the linear momentum."

"Miiiissss..... are we having a tongue twisting class?"

"I guess we are..." >_<

Words 1

I have been marking the lab reports from my dear first year engineering students... here are two "great" sentences that I would like to share with you:

1. The more brittle the material is, the less ductile it becomes.

2. According to figure 2, the mechanical efficency of the machine increasing at a decreasing rate.

It is a challenge to mark the these reports, ya know.

Herea are something that I have said a while ago:

1. I parked my car so nicely, that I can't get out of my car. (Too close to the wall)

2. My dog has a bad smell, so we washed the dog. After washing it, the smell is still there. (huh?)

3. Class, the conservation of energy is very important, you must forget it. (Yay! One less thing to remember)

4. Me: Why is the moon so red tonight?

BF: Tomorrow is the 15th day of the lunar calandar.

Me: Yeah, I know, that's why it is so red. But it is round... (I wanted to say "It is round, but it is red.")

BF: ...

5. Friend: Why are you driving so slow?

Me: Because I don't want to drive fast.

6. Me: The fruits are so fresh, it smelled like sunshine.

BF: How do you smell the sunshine?

7. Stranger: Excuse me, how do I get to XXX Bank?

Me: Walk there, cause there's no car park.

Stranger: ...... (I want directions!)

8. Me: I am lost, I don't know where am I now. (talking to bf over the phone, hoping to get direction)

BF: Where are you now?

Me: I am in XXX, but I don't know which part of XXX is this.

This was what my mum said, when our cat was sent to the vet:

4. Has the cat called home yet?

This was also my mum's statement, when my brother was eating biscuits in his room:

5. Don't stand there and attract ants!

Age Gap

Well, things that used to happen in the newspaper, now seem to happen to everyone around me. For the past two months, there have been a lot of things happening in my family.

First my father got some strange viral infection, and hospitalised for quite a long while, then mother's turn to fell ill. Then there is this havoc with our landlord setting unreasonable rules wanting to chase us away. Then just yesterday, one of our car got stolen. It is a nearly 20 year old car some more. God knows what they want to do with it.

I hope that with the Chinese new year around the corner... there will be some good luck.

Anyway, just to share with you what is a "generation gap", read on...

Mother told me this just now,"Hey, help me folding these clothes, your brother is watching some very interesting ghost movie on the TV. I am going to watch it."

"OK", wondering what is the ghost movie about, I quickly finished my chores and went to the living room to take a peek. Guess what I saw?
Matrix 2 -- Reloaded.

Happiness Bank Book

I have a big nasty pimple on my face today, right next to my nose. It has turned white, and looks extremely welcoming for any squeeze. It reminded me of a student, he used to had one nasty pimple next to his nose too, and he felt misery for weeks.

Well, my pimples eventually break out just now while I was taking shower. You know, it is one happy thing in life -- to be able to squeeze out the pus in one big nasty pimple, especially when it locates itself at your sensitive area, e.g. near your lips and nose.

Then I thought, one pimple can bring weeks of miseries, but it also can bring a fraction second of happiness. It reminded me of a book that I read years ago, one of the article was about keeping a bank book. This bank book is to access your bank account that stores your happiness. You bank in your happy memories in your bank book, and you can withdraw it whenever you are feeling down. I always carry my little happiness bank book with me, it records all the happy and funny moments in there. I have been withdrawing it since coming home. Since we are living in such a dreadful reality, where everything that we share gets divided, but happiness is something that grows when you share it.

So when I came out from the shower, I wrote down my happy moment today -- one nasty painful pimple got squeeze out of my face today! And I think I should share my happiness bank book here. If you have your happiness, and would like to share it, please feel free to drop me a message, either below the entries, or just on the guess book panel.

1. Sitting on the wall of St. George church on a winter day to have two double chocolate Magnum ice-cream.
2. I love the eyes of the black cat at my house, they worth more than any jewels on the earth, because it shows emotions.
3. I have collected a big bottle of dandalion seeds, which I hope that one day I can release all of them in the botanical gardens. Just the thought of it made me happy enough. (But I think the janitor won't like this idea)
4. Seeing the pink coloured trees (cherry trees) in the spring, where the flower petals paved my way.
5. The white cone shape flowers on top of the very old tree, outside my bedroom. It is a summer flower, it looks like angels on the tree under sunshine.
6. The autumn moonlight shed onto the corridor of the old engineering school, it is so sacred, it made you feel alive again, just by walking through the lights. (this often happens when I was working late in the university while in UK)
7. Sitting next to the window with a warm drink in hand, in a cold and wet winter night, watching the howling and splashing outside.
8. Watching sun rise, and sun set, the colour of the cloud.
9. Building castle on the cloud, and see it changes its shape.
10. Another big tree outside my flat in UK, it looks like a golden umbrella under the evening sun.

11. Heard my favourite song on the radio when I stepped outside the house to begin my day.
12. Watching the water droplets on the wires chasing after each other.
13. Wearing something bright to go out in winter.
14. Heard the piano theme of the movie "Spring Waltz"
15. Finish reading a book, finish using a pen, finish using a tube of toothpaste.
16. Squeezed out a nasty pimple, peel of a whole piece of healing wound.
17. Sceneries on the helipad on the oil platform.
18. Singing my lung out in the shower room.
19. To be in the middle of a rising sun and a setting moon.
20. The view of salt mountain, and the view of a shrinking salt mountain under the rain.

21. The view of snow storm from a long distance flight across Europe.
22. Millefille from France.
23. Run up to the second level of Eiffel Tower without stopping.
24. The cracking sound of creme brulee, cracking sound of icy patches on a frosty winter morning.
25. A field with dots of little white flowers. (in UK)
26. Saw a sunflower as big as my face.
27. Spent a night in the accommodation hall in Cambridge University.
28. Daffodils in Spring are like little trumpet blower, celebrating the arrival of spring.
29. Sit / lay down on the green field.
30. Have my sweet and sour pork in that particular restaurant.

31. What do you have in XXXX lake garden?
A garden and a lake.
32. Reading silly comics in KLCC food court with my bf.
33. running on the street, chasing for the tram with my two other friends.
34. Playing puzzle bubble with my housemate.
35. collect the pink flower petals in spring, find a black car, put those petals on the car and arrange some pretty patterns. (OK, some may take this as anti-social behaviour)
36. Carrying a big bunch of flower, or a teddy bear walking across the street.
37. Walking on a snow filled Peak District, as high as my waist.
38. Saw a fatty bumble bee.
39. Running and sweating on the basketball court in a chilly morning.
40. The smell of grass when it rains. (in Malaysia)

41. The dew on the leaves, and the rainbow in it.
42. Successfully crossing a breed between the plants.
43. cutting my long hair.
44. Having a big dump of the day.
45. The day when I received a parcel.
46. We were studying for a chemistry test during high school, one of my friend popped out a question, 'Does Guess has jeans?'
I was puzzled, and asked, 'I didn't know gas has genes...'
47. To be in Germany when Christmas is around the corner.
48. Fat chickens in the Chatsworth garden.
49. Water drops from the advertisement panel to my car wind screen, after the rain stops. See the way the water flow down your wind screen, it looks like dandalion.
50. Driving into a tunnel.

51. To see the sun light penetrates through thick layer of clouds, or leaves.
52. Cold shower in a cold morning.
53. First time seeing the flower of the peanut plant.
54. Driving on an empty highway in the early morning or late night.

Well, most of these are my memories, they are very specific. Anyway, will update this when I find more happiness. Hope you have a pleasant day.


Welcome to Mechanical Melon.
I have finally decided to move to blogspot after having enough problem with MSN space.
I am lazy to move the contents from the previous blog to here... well, it is too troublesome.
Anyway, this is a new start for me... so I guess I shouldn't look back.
Once again, welcome and thank you for visiting.